Registering a tool in the @ELIXIREurope regisry using XML, XSLT, JSON and curl. My notebook.

The Elixir Registry / pmid:26538599 "A portal to bioinformatics resources world-wide. With community support, the registry can become a standard for dissemination of information about bioinformatics resources: we welcome everyone to join us in this common endeavour. The registry is freely available at"
In this post, I will describe how I've used the API to register some tools from jvarkit.Authenticate with your credentials
using curl, the '' service returns a authentication token.$ curl -s \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"username":"","password":"password1234"}' \ |\
python -m json.tool
"token": "74dedea023dbad8ecda49ac57bb1074acd794f"
Creating a JSON describing the tool.
The tool I'm goind to use is VCFhead. A very simple tool printing the first variants of a VCF file. In jvarkit I don't write the code parsing the arguments, everything is described using a XML file that is going to be processed with a XSTL stylesheet to generate an abstract java code handling the options, etc....xsltproc command2java VcfHead.xml >
For VcfHead the XML descriptor is available here:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <app xmlns="" xmlns:h="" app="VcfHead" package="" > <description>Print the first variants of a VCF.</description> <input type="vcf"/> <output type="vcf"/> <options> <option name="count" type="int" opt="n" longopt="count" min-inclusive="0" default="10"> <description>number of variants to be printed</description> </option> </options> <documentation> <h:h3>Example</h:h3> (...) </documentation> </app>
Using a first XSLT stylesheet, 'VcfHead.xml' is firstly converted to the 'infamous' JSONx (JSON+XML) format .
xsltproc jsonxelixir VcfHead.xml > VcfHead.jsonxThe JSONx file:
<?xml version="1.0"?> <jsonx:object xmlns:jsonx="" xmlns:c="" xmlns="" xmlns:x=""> <jsonx:string name="accessibility">Public</jsonx:string> <jsonx:string name="affiliation"></jsonx:string> <jsonx:string name="cost">Free</jsonx:string> <jsonx:array name="platform"> <jsonx:string>Linux</jsonx:string> <jsonx:string>Mac</jsonx:string> </jsonx:array> <jsonx:string name="version">1.0</jsonx:string> <jsonx:string name="homepage"></jsonx:string> <jsonx:array name="function"> <jsonx:object> <jsonx:array name="input"> <jsonx:object> <jsonx:object name="dataType"> <jsonx:string name="term">File name</jsonx:string> <jsonx:string name="uri"></jsonx:string> </jsonx:object> <jsonx:array name="dataFormat"> <jsonx:object> <jsonx:string name="term">VCF</jsonx:string> <jsonx:string name="uri"></jsonx:string> </jsonx:object> </jsonx:array> </jsonx:object> </jsonx:array> <jsonx:array name="output"> <jsonx:object> <jsonx:object name="dataType"> <jsonx:string name="term">File name</jsonx:string> <jsonx:string name="uri"></jsonx:string> </jsonx:object> <jsonx:string name="dataDescription">any format</jsonx:string> <jsonx:array name="dataFormat"> <jsonx:object> <jsonx:string name="term">VCF</jsonx:string> <jsonx:string name="uri"></jsonx:string> </jsonx:object> </jsonx:array> </jsonx:object> </jsonx:array> <jsonx:array name="functionName"> <jsonx:object> <jsonx:string name="term">Formatting</jsonx:string> <jsonx:string name="uri"></jsonx:string> </jsonx:object> </jsonx:array> <jsonx:string name="functionDescription">Print the first variants of a VCF.</jsonx:string> </jsonx:object> </jsonx:array> <jsonx:string name="description">Print the first variants of a VCF.</jsonx:string> <jsonx:object name="docs"> <jsonx:string name="docsTermsOfUse"></jsonx:string> <jsonx:string name="docsGithub"></jsonx:string> <jsonx:string name="docsHome"></jsonx:string> <jsonx:string name="docsCitationInstructions"></jsonx:string> <jsonx:string name="docsDownloadSource"></jsonx:string> <jsonx:string name="docsDownload"></jsonx:string> </jsonx:object> <jsonx:array name="collection"> <jsonx:string>jvarkit</jsonx:string> </jsonx:array> <jsonx:object name="credits"> <jsonx:array name="creditsInstitution"> <jsonx:string>Institut du Thorax, Nantes, France</jsonx:string> </jsonx:array> <jsonx:array name="creditsDeveloper"> <jsonx:string>Pierre Lindenbaum</jsonx:string> </jsonx:array> </jsonx:object> <jsonx:array name="interface"> <jsonx:object> <jsonx:string name="interfaceType">Command line</jsonx:string> </jsonx:object> </jsonx:array> <jsonx:string name="name">VcfHead</jsonx:string> <jsonx:array name="topic"> <jsonx:object> <jsonx:string name="term">Omics</jsonx:string> <jsonx:string name="uri"></jsonx:string> </jsonx:object> </jsonx:array> <jsonx:string name="license">MIT License</jsonx:string> <jsonx:array name="language"> <jsonx:string>Java</jsonx:string> </jsonx:array> <jsonx:array name="resourceType"> <jsonx:string>Tool</jsonx:string> </jsonx:array> <jsonx:string name="maturity">Stable</jsonx:string> <jsonx:array name="contact"> <jsonx:object> <jsonx:string name="contactURL"></jsonx:string> <jsonx:string name="contactName">Pierre Lindenbaum</jsonx:string> <jsonx:array name="contactRole"> <jsonx:string>Developer</jsonx:string> <jsonx:string>Maintainer</jsonx:string> <jsonx:string>Helpdesk</jsonx:string> </jsonx:array> </jsonx:object> </jsonx:array> <jsonx:object name="publications"> <jsonx:string name="publicationsPrimaryID">doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.1425030.v1</jsonx:string> </jsonx:object> </jsonx:object>
Using another XSLT stylesheet jsonx2json.xsl, the JSONx is converted to a JSON file.
xsltproc jsonx2json.xsl VcfHead.jsonx > VcfHead.jsonthe JSON file:
{ "accessibility": "Public", "affiliation": "", "collection": [ "jvarkit" ], "contact": [ { "contactName": "Pierre Lindenbaum", "contactRole": [ "Developer", "Maintainer", "Helpdesk" ], "contactURL": "" } ], "cost": "Free", "credits": { "creditsDeveloper": [ "Pierre Lindenbaum" ], "creditsInstitution": [ "Institut du Thorax, Nantes, France" ] }, "description": "Print the first variants of a VCF.", "docs": { "docsCitationInstructions": "", "docsDownload": "", "docsDownloadSource": "", "docsGithub": "", "docsHome": "", "docsTermsOfUse": "" }, "function": [ { "functionDescription": "Print the first variants of a VCF.", "functionName": [ { "term": "Formatting", "uri": "" } ], "input": [ { "dataFormat": [ { "term": "VCF", "uri": "" } ], "dataType": { "term": "File name", "uri": "" } } ], "output": [ { "dataDescription": "any format", "dataFormat": [ { "term": "VCF", "uri": "" } ], "dataType": { "term": "File name", "uri": "" } } ] } ], "homepage": "", "interface": [ { "interfaceType": "Command line" } ], "language": [ "Java" ], "license": "MIT License", "maturity": "Stable", "name": "VcfHead", "platform": [ "Linux", "Mac" ], "publications": { "publicationsPrimaryID": "doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.1425030.v1" }, "resourceType": [ "Tool" ], "topic": [ { "term": "Omics", "uri": "" } ], "version": "1.0" }
Registering the tool
Now we have the Token and the json descriptor we can add VcfHead to Elixir using curl:curl -H "Content-type: application/json" \ -H "Authorization: Token 74dedea023dbad8ecda49ac57bb1074acd794f" \ -X POST \ -d @path/to/VcfHead.json \ "" |\ python -m json.tooloutput:
{ "accessibility": "Public", "additionDate": "2016-02-24T11:37:17.458Z", "affiliation": "", "collection": [ "jvarkit" ], "contact": [ { "contactName": "Pierre Lindenbaum", "contactRole": [ "Developer", "Maintainer", "Helpdesk" ], "contactURL": "" (...)
VCfhead is now visible from the Elixir Registry at
That's it,