28 May 2014
22 May 2014
Breaking the " same origin security policy" with CORS. An example with @GenomeBrowser / DAS.
Jerven Bolleman recently taught me about the CORS/Cross-origin resource sharing:
@yokofakun we support the CORS header. I have not looked at what jsonp needs will investigate
— Jerven Bolleman (@jervenbolleman) May 20, 2014
"Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) is a mechanism that allows many resources (e.g. fonts, JavaScript, etc.) on a web page to be requested from another domain outside of the domain the resource originated from. In particular, JavaScript's AJAX calls can use the XMLHttpRequest mechanism. Such "cross-domain" requests would otherwise be forbidden by web browsers, per the same origin security policy."
I've created a page testing if some bioinformatics web-service support CORS. This page is available at : http://lindenb.github.io/pages/cors/index.html
The script:
That's it
Publié par
Pierre Lindenbaum
9:23 PM
Libellés : bioinformatics, browser, das, sequence, ucsc
20 May 2014
A nodejs-based REST server for the UCSC @GenomeBrowser
Node.js provides a simple mechanism to write a REST server. As an exercise, I wrote a REST server for the mysql server of the UCSC genome bowser. The code is available on github at:
Starting the server
$ cd bionode
$ node ucsc/ucsc.js
Server running at http://localhost:8080/
METHOD: /schema/databases
Lists the available databases :e.g: http://localhost:8080/schemas/databases
This method accepts a parameter callback for JSON-P : e.g: http://localhost:8080/schemas/databases?callback=handle
METHOD: /schema/:database/tables
Lists the available tables for a given database :e.g: http://localhost:8080/schemas/anoCar1/tables
This method accepts a parameter callback for JSON-P : e.g: http://localhost:8080/schemas/anoCar1/tables?callback=handle
METHOD: /schema/:database/:table
Returns a schema for the given database.table
. E.g: http://localhost:8080/schemas/anoCar1/xenoMrna
{"database":"anoCar1","table":"xenoMrna","fields":[{"name":"bin","type":"smallint(5) unsigned","key":""},{"name":"matches","type":"int(10) unsigned","key":""},{"name":"misMatches","type":"int(10) unsigned","key":""},{"name":"repMatches","type":"int(10) unsigned","key":""},{"name":"nCount","type":"int(10) unsigned","key":""},{"name":"qNumInsert","type":"int(10) unsigned","key":""},{"name":"qBaseInsert","type":"int(10) unsigned","key":""},{"name":"tNumInsert","type":"int(10) unsigned","key":""},{"name":"tBaseInsert","type":"int(10) unsigned","key":""},{"name":"strand","type":"char(2)","key":""},{"name":"qName","type":"varchar(255)","key":"MUL"},{"name":"qSize","type":"int(10) unsigned","key":""},{"name":"qStart","type":"int(10) unsigned","key":""},{"name":"qEnd","type":"int(10) unsigned","key":""},{"name":"tName","type":"varchar(255)","key":"MUL"},{"name":"tSize","type":"int(10) unsigned","key":""},{"name":"tStart","type":"int(10) unsigned","key":""},{"name":"tEnd","type":"int(10) unsigned","key":""},{"name":"blockCount","type":"int(10) unsigned","key":""},{"name":"blockSizes","type":"longblob","key":""},{"name":"qStarts","type":"longblob","key":""},{"name":"tStarts","type":"longblob","key":""}]}
This method accepts a parameter callback for JSON-P : e.g: http://localhost:8080/schemas/anoCar1/xenoMrna?callback=handler
handler({"database":"anoCar1","table":"xenoMrna","fields":[{"name":"bin","type":"smallint(5) unsigned","key":""},{"name":"matches","type":"int(10) unsigned","key":""},{"name":"misMatches","type":"int(10) unsigned","key":""},{"name":"repMatches","type":"int(10) unsigned","key":""},{"name":"nCount","type":"int(10) unsigned","key":""},{"name":"qNumInsert","type":"int(10) unsigned","key":""},{"name":"qBaseInsert","type":"int(10) unsigned","key":""},{"name":"tNumInsert","type":"int(10) unsigned","key":""},{"name":"tBaseInsert","type":"int(10) unsigned","key":""},{"name":"strand","type":"char(2)","key":""},{"name":"qName","type":"varchar(255)","key":"MUL"},{"name":"qSize","type":"int(10) unsigned","key":""},{"name":"qStart","type":"int(10) unsigned","key":""},{"name":"qEnd","type":"int(10) unsigned","key":""},{"name":"tName","type":"varchar(255)","key":"MUL"},{"name":"tSize","type":"int(10) unsigned","key":""},{"name":"tStart","type":"int(10) unsigned","key":""},{"name":"tEnd","type":"int(10) unsigned","key":""},{"name":"blockCount","type":"int(10) unsigned","key":""},{"name":"blockSizes","type":"longblob","key":""},{"name":"qStarts","type":"longblob","key":""},{"name":"tStarts","type":"longblob","key":""}]});
METHOD: /ucsc/:database/:table/:column/:key
Fetch the rows for a given database.name having a :column==:key . The :column must be indexed. E.g: http://localhost:8080/ucsc/anoCar1/ensGene/name/ENSACAT00000004346
This method accepts a parameter callback for JSON-P : e.g: http://localhost:8080/ucsc/anoCar1/ensGene/name/ENSACAT00000004346?callback=handler
METHOD: /ucsc/:database/:table?chrom=?&start=?&end=?
Fetch the rows for a given genomic database.name overlapping the given range. This method uses the UCSC-bin index if it is available; E.g: http://localhost:8080/ucsc/anoCar1/ensGene?chrom=scaffold_111&start=600000&end=900000
This method accepts a parameter callback for JSON-P : e.g: http://localhost:8080/ucsc/anoCar1/ensGene?chrom=scaffold_111&start=600000&end=900000&callback=handler
That's it,
Publié par
Pierre Lindenbaum
2:58 PM
Libellés : bioinformatics, javascript, json, mysql, node, nodejs, rest, ucsc
15 May 2014
How I start a bioinformatics project
Phil Ashton tweeted a link to a paper about how to set up a bioinformatics project file hierarchy: " A Quick Guide to Organizing Computational Biology Projects ".
Nick Loman posted his version yesterday : "How I start a bioinformatics project" on http://nickloman.github.io/2014/05/14/how-i-start-a-bioinformatics-project/.
Here is mine (simplified):
- I start by creating a directory managed by git
- I create a JSON-based description of my data, including the path to the softwares, to the references
- I create a git submodule for a project hosting an Apache-velocity template transforming a Makefile from config.json :
- The Makefile is generated using jsvelocity :It produces the following Makefile:
- The Makefile is invoked with option -j N(Allow N jobs at once) using GNU-Make or QMake(distributed parallel make, scheduled by Sun Grid Engine)
That's it,
Publié par
Pierre Lindenbaum
9:52 AM
Libellés : bioinformatics, json, make, makefile, ngs, velocity
12 May 2014
Generating wikipedia semantic links from a pubmed-id
In "Building a biomedical semantic network in Wikipedia with Semantic Wiki Links" (Database . 2012 Mar 20;2012) Benjamin Good & al. introduced the Semantic Wiki Link (SWL):
any programmer can now write computer programs to parse Wikipedia content for SWLs and import them into third-party tools (e.g. triplestores, etc.)
Using Entrez-Ajax (Loman & al.) and the Wikipedia API, I wrote a HTML+JS interface to accelerate the creation of a semantic SWL wiki-text from a PUBMED-id:
and.. well, that's it,
Publié par
Pierre Lindenbaum
9:36 PM
Libellés : bioinformatics, html, javascript, ncbi, pubmed, rdf, semantic web, wikipedia