Downloading the XML data from the Exome Variant Server
From EVS: "The goal of the NHLBI GO Exome Sequencing Project (ESP) is to discover novel genes and mechanisms contributing to heart, lung and blood disorders by pioneering the application of next-generation sequencing of the protein coding regions of the human genome across diverse, richly-phenotyped populations and to share these datasets and findings with the scientific community to extend and enrich the diagnosis, management and treatment of heart, lung and blood disorders."
The NHLBI Exome Sequencing Project provides a download area but I wanted to build a local database for the richer XML data returned by their Web Services (previously described here on my blog ). The following java program sends some XML/SOAP requests to the EVS server for each chromosome using a genomic window of 150000 bp and parses the XML response.
import; | |
import; | |
import; | |
import; | |
import; | |
import java.util.logging.Logger; | |
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder; | |
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; | |
import javax.xml.soap.SOAPConstants; | |
import javax.xml.transform.OutputKeys; | |
import javax.xml.transform.Transformer; | |
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory; | |
import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource; | |
import; | |
import org.w3c.dom.Document; | |
import org.w3c.dom.Element; | |
import org.w3c.dom.Node; | |
public class DumpExomeVariantServerData | |
{ | |
private static final Logger LOG=Logger.getLogger("evs"); | |
public static final String EVS_NS=""; | |
private DocumentBuilder documentBuilder; | |
private Transformer transformer; | |
private DumpExomeVariantServerData() throws Exception | |
{ | |
DocumentBuilderFactory f=DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); | |
f.setCoalescing(true); | |
f.setNamespaceAware(true); | |
f.setValidating(false); | |
f.setExpandEntityReferences(true); | |
f.setIgnoringComments(false); | |
this.documentBuilder= f.newDocumentBuilder(); | |
TransformerFactory factory=TransformerFactory.newInstance(); | |
this.transformer=factory.newTransformer(); | |
this.transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.OMIT_XML_DECLARATION, "yes"); | |
} | |
private static Element first(Element root,String namespaceuri,String localName) | |
{ | |
if(root==null) return null; | |
for(Node n=root.getFirstChild();n!=null;n=n.getNextSibling()) | |
{ | |
if(n.getNodeType()!=Node.ELEMENT_NODE) continue; | |
if(namespaceuri!=null && !namespaceuri.equals(n.getNamespaceURI())) continue; | |
if(namespaceuri!=null && !localName.equals(n.getLocalName())) continue; | |
if(namespaceuri==null && !localName.equals(n.getNodeName())) continue; | |
return Element.class.cast(n); | |
} | |
return null; | |
} | |
private Element fetchEvsData(String chrom,int start,int end) | |
{ | |":"+start+"-"+end); | |
try | |
{ | |
URL url = new URL(""); | |
// Send data | |
URLConnection conn = url.openConnection(); | |
conn.setDoOutput(true); | |
PrintStream wr=new PrintStream(conn.getOutputStream()); | |
wr.print("<?xml version='1.0' ?>"+ | |
"<S:Envelope xmlns:S=''>"+ | |
"<S:Body>"+ | |
"<ns2:getEvsData xmlns:ns2=''>"+ | |
"<arg0>" | |
); | |
wr.print(chrom); | |
wr.print(":"); | |
wr.print(String.valueOf(start)); | |
wr.print("-"); | |
wr.print(String.valueOf(end)); | |
wr.print("</arg0>"+ | |
"</ns2:getEvsData>"+ | |
"</S:Body>"+ | |
"</S:Envelope>" | |
); | |
wr.flush(); | |
InputStream rd = conn.getInputStream(); | |
Document dom=this.documentBuilder.parse(rd); | |
wr.close(); | |
rd.close(); | |
Element e=first(dom.getDocumentElement(), SOAPConstants.URI_NS_SOAP_ENVELOPE, "Body"); | |
e=first(e, EVS_NS, "getEvsDataResponse"); | |
e=first(e, null, "return"); | |
if(e==null) return null; | |
return e; | |
} | |
catch(Exception err) | |
{ | |
err.printStackTrace(); | |
return null; | |
} | |
} | |
private void fetch(String chrom,int length) | |
throws Exception | |
{ | |
final int step=150000; | |
int start=1; | |
do | |
{ | |
Element root=fetchEvsData(chrom,start,start+step+10); | |
for(Node n=(root==null?null:root.getFirstChild());n!=null;n=n.getNextSibling()) | |
{ | |
if(n.getNodeType()!=Node.ELEMENT_NODE) continue; | |
if(!n.getNodeName().equals("snpList")) continue; | |
String chromosome=null; | |
String chrPosition=null; | |
for(Node n2=n.getFirstChild();n2!=null;n2=n2.getNextSibling()) | |
{ | |
if(n2.getNodeType()!=Node.ELEMENT_NODE) continue; | |
if(n2.getNodeName().equals("chromosome")) | |
{ | |
chromosome=n2.getTextContent(); | |
} | |
else if(n2.getNodeName().equals("chrPosition")) | |
{ | |
chrPosition=n2.getTextContent(); | |
} | |
} | |
StringWriter sw=new StringWriter(); | |
transformer.transform( | |
new DOMSource(n), | |
new StreamResult(sw) | |
); | |
sw.flush(); | |
String xml=sw.toString().replace("\n", ""); | |
System.out.print(chromosome); | |
System.out.print('\t'); | |
System.out.print(chrPosition); | |
System.out.print('\t'); | |
System.out.println(xml); | |
} | |
start+=step; | |
} while(start<=length); | |
} | |
private void run()throws Exception | |
{ | |
fetch("1",249250621); | |
fetch("2",243199373); | |
fetch("3",198022430); | |
fetch("4",191154276); | |
fetch("5",180915260); | |
fetch("6",171115067); | |
fetch("7",159138663); | |
fetch("8",146364022); | |
fetch("9",141213431); | |
fetch("10",135534747); | |
fetch("11",135006516); | |
fetch("12",133851895); | |
fetch("13",115169878); | |
fetch("14",107349540); | |
fetch("15",102531392); | |
fetch("16",90354753); | |
fetch("17",81195210); | |
fetch("18",78077248); | |
fetch("19",59128983); | |
fetch("20",63025520); | |
//fetch("Y",59373566); not in evs | |
fetch("22",51304566); | |
fetch("21",48129895); | |
//fetch("M",16571); | |
fetch("X",155270560); | |
} | |
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception | |
{ | |
DumpExomeVariantServerData app=new DumpExomeVariantServerData(); | |; | |
} | |
} |
it then dumps the results into a tab-delimited file:
java DumpExomeVariantServerData > input.evs.tsv May 8, 2012 7:59:58 AM sandbox.DumpExomeVariantServerData fetchEvsData INFO: 1:1-200011 May 8, 2012 8:00:02 AM sandbox.DumpExomeVariantServerData fetchEvsData INFO: 1:200001-400011 May 8, 2012 8:00:03 AM sandbox.DumpExomeVariantServerData fetchEvsData INFO: 1:400001-600011 May 8, 2012 8:00:04 AM sandbox.DumpExomeVariantServerData fetchEvsData INFO: 1:600001-800011 May 8, 2012 8:00:05 AM sandbox.DumpExomeVariantServerData fetchEvsData INFO: 1:800001-1000011 (...)
head input.evs.tsv 1 69116 <snpList><positionString>1:69116</positionString><chrPosition>69116</chr 1 69134 <snpList><positionString>1:69134</positionString><chrPosition>69134</chr 1 69270 <snpList><positionString>1:69270</positionString><chrPosition>69270</chr 1 69428 <snpList><positionString>1:69428</positionString><chrPosition>69428</chr 1 69453 <snpList><positionString>1:69453</positionString><chrPosition>69453</chr 1 69476 <snpList><positionString>1:69476</positionString><chrPosition>69476</chr 1 69496 <snpList><positionString>1:69496</positionString><chrPosition>69496</chr 1 69511 <snpList><positionString>1:69511</positionString><chrPosition>69511</chr 1 69552 <snpList><positionString>1:69552</positionString><chrPosition>69552</chr 1 69590 <snpList><positionString>1:69590</positionString><chrPosition>69590</chr
Inserting the EVS data in a sqlite database
We can now create a sqlite3 database to insert the data ...$ sqlite3 evs.sqlite sqlite> create table evsData(chrom TEXT NOT NULL,pos INT NOT NULL,xml TEXT NOT NULL); sqlite> create index chrompos on evsData(chrom,pos); sqlite> .separator "\t"; sqlite> .import "input.evs.tsv" evsData
... and query this database
$ sqlite3 evs.sqlite 'select xml from evsData where chrom="1" and pos=69552' |\ xmllint --format - <?xml version="1.0"?> <snpList> <positionString>1:69552</positionString> <chrPosition>69552</chrPosition> <alleles>C/G</alleles> <uaAlleleCounts>C=4/G=4644</uaAlleleCounts> <aaAlleleCounts>C=0/G=2944</aaAlleleCounts> <totalAlleleCounts>C=4/G=7588</totalAlleleCounts> <uaMAF>0.0861</uaMAF> <aaMAF>0.0</aaMAF> <totalMAF>0.0527</totalMAF> <avgSampleReadDepth>143</avgSampleReadDepth> <geneList>OR4F5</geneList> <snpFunction> <chromosome>1</chromosome> <position>69552</position> <conservationScore>1.0</conservationScore> <conservationScoreGERP>-0.1</conservationScoreGERP> <snpFxnList> <mrnaAccession>NM_001005484.1</mrnaAccession> <fxnClassGVS>coding-synonymous</fxnClassGVS> <aminoAcids>none</aminoAcids> <proteinPos>154/306</proteinPos> <cdnaPos>462</cdnaPos> <pphPrediction>unknown</pphPrediction> <granthamScore>NA</granthamScore> </snpFxnList> <refAllele>G</refAllele> <ancestralAllele>C</ancestralAllele> <firstRsId>55874132</firstRsId> <secondRsId>0</secondRsId> <filters>SVM</filters> <clinicalLink>unknown</clinicalLink> </snpFunction> <conservationScore>1.0</conservationScore> <conservationScoreGERP>-0.1</conservationScoreGERP> <refAllele>G</refAllele> <altAlleles>C</altAlleles> <ancestralAllele>C</ancestralAllele> <chromosome>1</chromosome> <hasAtLeastOneAccession>true</hasAtLeastOneAccession> <rsIds>rs55874132</rsIds> <filters>SVM</filters> <clinicalLink>unknown</clinicalLink> <dbsnpVersion>dbSNP_129</dbsnpVersion> <uaGenotypeCounts>CC=0/CG=4/GG=2320</uaGenotypeCounts> <aaGenotypeCounts>CC=0/CG=0/GG=1472</aaGenotypeCounts> <totalGenotypeCounts>CC=0/CG=4/GG=3792</totalGenotypeCounts> <onExomeChip>false</onExomeChip> <gwasPubmedIds>unknown</gwasPubmedIds> </snpList>
The Variation Toolkit
I also wrote a C++ program (that is part of my (always-beta) Variation Toolkit) to use this sqlite database to annotate some VCF-like files. See 1
$ echo -e "#CHROM\tPOS\n1\t69511\n1\t69512\n1\t69552" |\ vcfevs -f evs.sqlite #CHROM POS evs.positionString evs.chrPosition evs.alleles evs.uaAlleleCounts evs.aaAlleleCounts evs.totalAlleleCounts evs.uaMAF evs.aaMAF evs.totalMAF evs.avgSampleReadDepth evs.geneList evs.conservationScore evs.conservationScoreGERP evs.refAllele evs.altAllelesevs.ancestralAllele evs.chromosome evs.hasAtLeastOneAccession evs.rsIds evs.filters evs.clinicalLink evs.dbsnpVersion evs.uaGenotypeCounts evs.aaGenotypeCounts evs.totalGenotypeCounts evs.onExomeChip evs.gwasPubmedIds 1 69511 1:69511 69511 G/A G=4235/A=483 G=1707/A=1297 G=5942/A=1780 10.2374 43.1758 23.051 74 OR4F5 1.0 1.1 A G G1 true rs75062661 PASS unknown dbSNP_131 GG=1964/GA=307/AA=88 GG=703/GA=301/AA=498 GG=2667/GA=608/AA=586 false unknown 1 69512 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 1 69552 1:69552 69552 C/G C=4/G=4644 C=0/G=2944 C=4/G=7588 0.0861 0.0 0.0527 143 OR4F5 1.0 -0.1 G C C1 true rs55874132 SVM unknown dbSNP_129 CC=0/CG=4/GG=2320 CC=0/CG=0/GG=1472 CC=0/CG=4/GG=3792 false unknown
Example 2
$ echo -e "#CHROM\tPOS\n1\t69511\n1\t69512\n1\t69552" |\ vcfevs -f ~/WORK/ -c uaMAF #CHROM POS evs.uaMAF 1 69511 10.2374 1 69512 . 1 69552 0.0861
Example 3
$ echo -e "#CHROM\tPOS\n1\t69511\n1\t69512\n1\t69552" |\ vcfevs -f evs.sqlite -x -c _ | cut -c 1-200 #CHROM POS evs.xml 1 69511 <snpList><positionString>1:69511</positionString><chrPosition>69511</chrPosition><alleles>G/A</alleles><uaAlleleCounts>G=4235/A=483</uaAlleleCounts><aaAlleleCounts>G=1707/A=1297</aaAlleleCount 1 69512 . 1 69552 <snpList><positionString>1:69552</positionString><chrPosition>69552</chrPosition><alleles>C/G</alleles><uaAlleleCounts>C=4/G=4644</uaAlleleCounts><aaAlleleCounts>C=0/G=2944</aaAlleleCounts><to
That's it,