05 July 2014

Pushed : makefile2graph , creating a graph of dependencies from GNU-Make.

I pushed makefile2graph at https://github.com/lindenb/makefile2graph. This is the standalone and 'C' implementation of a program I first wrote in java in 2012. The program creates a graph of dependencies from GNU-Make and its output is a graphiz-dot file or a Gexf/Gephi-XML file.


$ make -Bnd | make2graph > output.dot
$ make -Bnd | make2graph -x > gephi.gexf.xml 


Here is the output of makefile2graph for Tabix:
$ cd tabix-0.2.5
$ make -Bnd |make2graph
digraph G {
n1[label="", color="green"];
n2[label="Makefile", color="green"];
n4[label="all", color="red"];
n3[label="all-recur", color="red"];
n23[label="bedidx.c", color="green"];
n22[label="bedidx.o", color="red"];
n9[label="bgzf.c", color="green"];
n10[label="bgzf.h", color="green"];
n8[label="bgzf.o", color="red"];
n27[label="bgzip", color="red"];
n29[label="bgzip.c", color="green"];
n28[label="bgzip.o", color="red"];
n18[label="index.c", color="green"];
n17[label="index.o", color="red"];
n20[label="khash.h", color="green"];
n16[label="knetfile.c", color="green"];
n11[label="knetfile.h", color="green"];
n15[label="knetfile.o", color="red"];
n24[label="kseq.h", color="green"];
n21[label="ksort.h", color="green"];
n13[label="kstring.c", color="green"];
n14[label="kstring.h", color="green"];
n12[label="kstring.o", color="red"];
n6[label="lib", color="red"];
n7[label="libtabix.a", color="red"];
n26[label="main.c", color="green"];
n25[label="main.o", color="red"];
n5[label="tabix", color="red"];
n19[label="tabix.h", color="green"];
n2 -> n1 ; 
n4 -> n1 ; 
n3 -> n1 ; 

That's it

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