14 August 2012

Apache Pig: first contact with some 'bio' data.

via wikipedia: "Apache Pig is a high-level platform for creating MapReduce programs used with Hadoop. The language for this platform is called Pig Latin. Pig Latin abstracts the programming from the Java MapReduce idiom into a notation which makes MapReduce programming high level, similar to that of SQL for RDBMS systems.".

here I've played with PIG using a local datastore (that is, different from a distributed environment) to handle some data from the UCSC database.

Download and Install

Install Pig:
$ wget "http://mirror.cc.columbia.edu/pub/software/apache/pig/pig-0.10.0/pig-0.10.0.tar.gz"
$ tar xvfz pig-0.10.0.tar.gz
$ rm pig-0.10.0.tar.gz
$ cd pig-0.10.0
$ export PIG_INSTALL=${PWD}
$ export JAVA_HOME=/your/path/to/jdk1.7

Download 'knownGene' from the UCSC:
$ wget "http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/hg19/database/knownGene.txt.gz"
$ gunzip knownGene.txt.gz

Start the command line interface

run Pig’s Grunt shell in local mode:
$ pig -x local 
2012-08-15 10:37:25,247 [main] INFO  org.apache.pig.Main - Apache Pig version 0.10.0 (r1328203) compiled Apr 19 2012, 22:54:12
2012-08-15 10:37:25,248 [main] INFO  org.apache.pig.Main - Logging error messages to: /home/lindenb/tmp/HADOOP/pig-0.10.0/pig_1344933445243.log
2012-08-15 10:37:25,622 [main] INFO  org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.HExecutionEngine - Connecting to hadoop file system at: file:///

Getting the number of Genes by Chromosome

knownGenes = LOAD '/home/lindenb/tmp/HADOOP/knownGene.txt' as 
  ( name:chararray ,  chrom:chararray ,  strand:chararray ,  txStart:int , 
    txEnd:int ,  cdsStart:int ,  cdsEnd:int ,  exonCount:chararray ,
     exonStarts:chararray ,  exonEnds:chararray ,  proteinID:chararray , 
     alignID:chararray );
keep the genes coding for a protein:
coding = FILTER knownGenes BY cdsStart < cdsEnd ;
Remove some columns:
coding = FOREACH coding GENERATE chrom,cdsStart,cdsEnd,strand,name;
Group by chromosome:
C = GROUP coding by chrom;
Filter out some chromosomes:
  group matches  '.*_random' OR
  group matches  'chrUn_.*' OR
  group matches '.*hap.*'
Get the count of genes for each chromosome:
 group as CHROM,
 COUNT(coding.name) as numberOfGenes
And dump the data:
dump D;
Interestingly, noting seems to happen until your ask to dump the data.

Finding the overlapping genes

I want to get a list of pairs of genes overlapping and having an opposite strand. I've not been able to find a quick way to join two tables using a complex criteria.

Create a two identical lists of genes E1 and E2 . Add an extra column "1" that will be used to join both tables.

E1 = FOREACH coding GENERATE 1 as pivot , $0 , $1 , $2 , $3, $4;
E2 = FOREACH coding GENERATE 1 as pivot , $0 , $1 , $2 , $3, $4;
Join the tables using the extra column.
E3 = join E1 by pivot, E2 by pivot;
Extract and rename the fields from the join:
E3 = FOREACH E3 generate 
 $1 as chrom1, $2 as start1, $3 as end1, $4 as strand1, $5 as name1,
 $7 as chrom2, $8 as start2, $9 as end2, $10 as strand2, $11 as name2
At this point, the data in E3 look like this:
Extract the overlapping genes:
    name1 < name2 AND
    chrom1==chrom2 AND
    strand1!=strand2 AND
    NOT(end1 < start2 OR end2 < start1);
and dump the result:
dump E3
After a few hours the result is computed:
That was very slow. There might be a better way to do this and I wonder if using a hadoop filesystem would really speed the computation. At this point I'll continue to use a SQL database for such small amount of data.

That's it.



alain coletta said...

Hi Pierre,

How many nodes did you use to run your job?

Pierre Lindenbaum said...

@alain: I played with a local instance of Pig, I don't think the number of nodes matters here. (Isn't it ?)

alain coletta said...
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alain coletta said...

The aim with Pig is to perform operations in a hadoop cluster. Although you can run it locally, performance will/should dramatically increase when you use it with a hadoop cluster and the performance gain will be related to the amount of nodes you have in your cluster.
You can create a hadoop cluster in EC2 and give it a spin. We're testing this at InSilico DB and are getting pretty good results.

Andre Schumacher said...

Hi Pierre,

if you are interested in Pig processing aligned sequence data stored in SAM/BAM format or un-aligned fastq/qseq, have a look at SeqPig.