01 December 2011

Suggest some new terms for the EDAM Ontology for Bioinformatics

EDAM is an ontology of general bioinformatics concepts, including topics and data types, formats, identifiers and operations.
Is your specific subject of research present in this ontology (e.g "RNA-Seq") ? go and have a look at http://www.ebi.ac.uk/ontology-lookup/browse.do?ontName=EDAM. If it is not, feel free to suggest a new term in the form below. Your term might be included in the next version of the ontology and it might be used as a possible choice for the Bioinformatics Career Survey 2011/2012.
That's it, Pierre

20 November 2011

Processing json data with apache velocity.

I've written a tool named "apache velocity" which parse json data and processes it with "Apache velocity" (a template engine ). The (javacc) source code is available here:



Say you have defined some classes using JSON:

    "type": "record",
    "name": "Exon",
    "fields" : [
      {"name": "start", "type": "int"},
      {"name": "end", "type": "int"}
    "type": "record",
    "name": "Gene",
    "fields" : [
      {"name": "chrom", "type": "string"},
      {"name": "name", "type": "string"},
      {"name": "txStart", "type": "int"},
      {"name": "txEnd", "type": "int"},
      {"name": "cdsStart", "type": "int"},
      {"name": "cdsEnd", "type": "int"},
      {"name": "exons", "type":{"type":"array","items":"Exon"}}
and here is a velocity template transforming this json structure to java :

#macro(javaName $s)$s.substring(0,1).toUpperCase()$s.substring(1)#end
#macro(setter $s)set#javaName($s)#end
#macro(getter $s)get#javaName($s)#end
#macro(javaType $f)

#foreach( $class in $avro)

class $class.name
#foreach( $field in $class.fields )
private  #javaType($field) $field.name;

public ${class.name}()

public ${class.name}(#foreach( $field in $class.fields )
 #if($velocityCount>1),#end#javaType($field) $field.name
 #foreach( $field in $class.fields )

#foreach( $field in $class.fields )
public void #setter($field.name)(#javaType($field) $field.name)
public #javaType($field) #getter($field.name)()
 return this.$field.name;
The json file can be processed with velocity using the following command line:

$ java -jar velocityjson.jar -f avro structure.json json2java.vm


class Exon
private  int start;
private  int end;

public Exon()

public Exon( int start
  ,int end

public void setStart(int start)
public int getStart()
 return this.start;
public void setEnd(int end)
public int getEnd()
 return this.end;

class Gene
private  java.lang.String chrom;
private  java.lang.String name;
private  int txStart;
private  int txEnd;
private  int cdsStart;
private  int cdsEnd;
private  java.util.List<Exon> exons;

public Gene()

public Gene( java.lang.String chrom
  ,java.lang.String name
  ,int txStart
  ,int txEnd
  ,int cdsStart
  ,int cdsEnd
  ,java.util.List<Exon> exons

public void setChrom(java.lang.String chrom)
public java.lang.String getChrom()
 return this.chrom;
public void setName(java.lang.String name)
public java.lang.String getName()
 return this.name;
public void setTxStart(int txStart)
public int getTxStart()
 return this.txStart;
public void setTxEnd(int txEnd)
public int getTxEnd()
 return this.txEnd;
public void setCdsStart(int cdsStart)
public int getCdsStart()
 return this.cdsStart;
public void setCdsEnd(int cdsEnd)
public int getCdsEnd()
 return this.cdsEnd;
public void setExons(java.util.List<Exon> exons)
public java.util.List<Exon> getExons()
 return this.exons;

That's it,


16 November 2011

"VCF annotation" with the NHLBI GO Exome Sequencing Project (JAX-WS)

The NHLBI Exome Sequencing Project (ESP) has released a web service to query their data. "The goal of the NHLBI GO Exome Sequencing Project (ESP) is to discover novel genes and mechanisms contributing to heart, lung and blood disorders by pioneering the application of next-generation sequencing of the protein coding regions of the human genome across diverse, richly-phenotyped populations and to share these datasets and findings with the scientific community to extend and enrich the diagnosis, management and treatment of heart, lung and blood disorders.".
In the current post, I'll show how I've used this web service to annotate a VCF file with this information.
The web service provided by the ESP is based on the SOAP protocol.
Here is an example of the XML response: We can generate the java classes for a client invoking this Web Service by using ${JAVA_HOME}/bin/wsimport.
$ wsimport -keep "http://evs.gs.washington.edu/wsEVS/EVSDataQueryService?wsdl"

parsing WSDL...
generating code...
compiling code...

Here is the java code running this client. It scans the VCF, calls the webservice for each variation and insert the annotation as JSON in a new column .
... and the makefile:

Result (some columns have been cut)

curl -s "ftp://ftp.1000genomes.ebi.ac.uk/vol1/ftp/release/20100804/supporting/EUR.2of4intersection_allele_freq.20100804.sites.vcf.gz" |\
 gunzip -c |\
 java -jar evsclient.jar 

##description="Where BI calls are present, genotypes and alleles are from BI.  In there absence, UM genotypes are used.  If neither are available, no genotype information is present and the alleles are from the NCBI calls."
1 10469 rs117577454 {"start":10469,"chromosome":"1","stop":10470,"strand":"+","snpList":[],"setOfSiteCoverageInfo":[]}
1 10583 rs58108140 {"start":10583,"chromosome":"1","stop":10584,"strand":"+","snpList":[],"setOfSiteCoverageInfo":[]}
1 11508 . {"start":11508,"chromosome":"1","stop":11509,"strand":"
1 69511 . {"start":69511,"chromosome":"1","stop":69512,"strand":"+","snpList":[{"chromosome":"1","conservationScore":"1.0","conservationScoreGERP":"0.5","refAllele":"A","ancestralAllele":"G","filters":"PASS","clinicalLink":"unknown","positionString":"1:69511","chrPosition":69511,"alleles":"G/A","uaAlleleCounts":"1373/47","aaAlleleCounts":"880/600","totalAlleleCounts":"2253/647","uaAlleleAndCount":"G=1373/A=47","aaAlleleAndCount":"G=880/A=600","totalAlleleAndCount":"G=2253/A=647","uaMAF":3.3099,"aaMAF":40.5405,"totalMAF":22.3103,"avgSampleReadDepth":185,"geneList":"OR4F5","snpFunction":{"chromosome":"1","position":69511,"conservationScore":"1.0","conservationScoreGERP":"0.5","snpFxnList":[{"mrnaAccession":"NM_001005484","fxnClassGVS":"missense","aminoAcids":"THR,ALA","proteinPos":"141/306","cdnaPos":421,"pphPrediction":"benign","granthamScore":"58"}],"refAllele":"A","ancestralAllele":"G","firstRsId":75062661,"secondRsId":0,"filters":"PASS","clinicalLink":"unknown"},"altAlleles":"G","hasAtLeastOneAccession":"true","rsIds":"rs75062661"}],"setOfSiteCoverageInfo":[{"chromosome":"1","position":69511,"avgSampleReadDepth":185.0,"totalSamplesCovered":1452,"eaSamplesCovered":712,"avgEaSampleReadDepth":157.0,"aaSamplesCovered":740,"avgAaSampleReadDepth":211.0},{"chromosome":"1","position":69512,"avgSampleReadDepth":180.0,"totalSamplesCovered":1501,"eaSamplesCovered":739,"avgEaSampleReadDepth":153.0,"aaSamplesCovered":762,"avgAaSampleReadDepth":207.0}]}
1 901923 . {"start":901923,"chromosome":"1","stop":901924,"strand":"+","snpList":[{"chromosome":"1","conservationScore":"1.0","conservationScoreGERP":"5.0","refAllele":"C","ancestralAllele":"C","filters":"PASS","clinicalLink":"unknown","positionString":"1:901923","chrPosition":901923,"alleles":"A/C","uaAlleleCounts":"2/2542","aaAlleleCounts":"52/1934","totalAlleleCounts":"54/4476","uaAlleleAndCount":"A=2/C=2542","aaAlleleAndCount":"A=52/C=1934","totalAlleleAndCount":"A=54/C=4476","uaMAF":0.0786,"aaMAF":2.6183,"totalMAF":1.1921,"avgSampleReadDepth":35,"geneList":"PLEKHN1","snpFunction":{"chromosome":"1","position":901923,"conservationScore":"1.0","conservationScoreGERP":"5.0","snpFxnList":[{"mrnaAccession":"NM_032129","fxnClassGVS":"missense","aminoAcids":"SER,ARG","proteinPos":"4/612","cdnaPos":12,"pphPrediction":"probably-damaging","granthamScore":"110"}],"refAllele":"C","ancestralAllele":"C","firstRsId":0,"secondRsId":0,"filters":"PASS","clinicalLink":"unknown"},"altAlleles":"A","hasAtLeastOneAccession":"true","rsIds":"none"}],"setOfSiteCoverageInfo":[{"chromosome":"1","position":901923,"avgSampleReadDepth":35.0,"totalSamplesCovered":2280,"eaSamplesCovered":1272,"avgEaSampleReadDepth":32.0,"aaSamplesCovered":1008,"avgAaSampleReadDepth":38.0},{"chromosome":"1","position":901924,"avgSampleReadDepth":35.0,"totalSamplesCovered":2283,"eaSamplesCovered":1273,"avgEaSampleReadDepth":32.0,"aaSamplesCovered":1010,"avgAaSampleReadDepth":38.0}]}
1 902069 rs116147894 {"start":902069,"chromosome":"1","stop":902070,"strand":"+","snpList":[{"chromosome":"1","conservationScore":"0.0","conservationScoreGERP":"1.0","refAllele":"T","ancestralAllele":"T","filters":"PASS","clinicalLink":"unknown","positionString":"1:902069","chrPosition":902069,"alleles":"C/T","uaAlleleCounts":"2/320","aaAlleleCounts":"18/212","totalAlleleCounts":"20/532","uaAlleleAndCount":"C=2/T=320","aaAlleleAndCount":"C=18/T=212","totalAlleleAndCount":"C=20/T=532","uaMAF":0.6211,"aaMAF":7.8261,"totalMAF":3.6232,"avgSampleReadDepth":13,"geneList":"PLEKHN1","snpFunction":{"chromosome":"1","position":902069,"conservationScore":"0.0","conservationScoreGERP":"1.0","snpFxnList":[{"mrnaAccession":"NM_032129","fxnClassGVS":"intron","aminoAcids":"none","proteinPos":"NA","cdnaPos":-1,"pphPrediction":"unknown","granthamScore":"NA"}],"refAllele":"T","ancestralAllele":"T","firstRsId":0,"secondRsId":0,"filters":"PASS","clinicalLink":"unknown"},"altAlleles":"C","hasAtLeastOneAccession":"true","rsIds":"none"}],"setOfSiteCoverageInfo":[{"chromosome":"1","position":902069,"avgSampleReadDepth":13.0,"totalSamplesCovered":304,"eaSamplesCovered":169,"avgEaSampleReadDepth":13.0,"aaSamplesCovered":135,"avgAaSampleReadDepth":12.0},{"chromosome":"1","position":902070,"avgSampleReadDepth":12.0,"totalSamplesCovered":338,"eaSamplesCovered":190,"avgEaSampleReadDepth":13.0,"aaSamplesCovered":148,"avgAaSampleReadDepth":12.0}]}
1 902108 rs62639981 {"start":902108,"chromosome":"1","stop":902109,"strand":"+","snpList":[{"chromosome":"1","conservationScore":"0.0","conservationScoreGERP":"-8.7","refAllele":"C","ancestralAllele":"unknown","filters":"PASS","clinicalLink":"unknown","positionString":"1:902108","chrPosition":902108,"alleles":"T/C","uaAlleleCounts":"5/333","aaAlleleCounts":"0/248","totalAlleleCounts":"5/581","uaAlleleAndCount":"T=5/C=333","aaAlleleAndCount":"T=0/C=248","totalAlleleAndCount":"T=5/C=581","uaMAF":1.4793,"aaMAF":0.0,"totalMAF":0.8532,"avgSampleReadDepth":13,"geneList":"PLEKHN1","snpFunction":{"chromosome":"1","position":902108,"conservationScore":"0.0","conservationScoreGERP":"-8.7","snpFxnList":[{"mrnaAccession":"NM_032129","fxnClassGVS":"coding-synonymous","aminoAcids":"none","proteinPos":"36/612","cdnaPos":108,"pphPrediction":"unknown","granthamScore":"NA"}],"refAllele":"C","ancestralAllele":"unknown","firstRsId":62639981,"secondRsId":0,"filters":"PASS","clinicalLink":"unknown"},"altAlleles":"T","hasAtLeastOneAccession":"true","rsIds":"rs62639981"}],"setOfSiteCoverageInfo":[{"chromosome":"1","position":902108,"avgSampleReadDepth":13.0,"totalSamplesCovered":294,"eaSamplesCovered":170,"avgEaSampleReadDepth":13.0,"aaSamplesCovered":124,"avgAaSampleReadDepth":13.0},{"chromosome":"1","position":902109,"avgSampleReadDepth":13.0,"totalSamplesCovered":309,"eaSamplesCovered":177,"avgEaSampleReadDepth":13.0,"aaSamplesCovered":132,"avgAaSampleReadDepth":13.0}]}
That's it

01 November 2011

The paper about BioStar has been published in "PLoS Computational Biology"

The article describing BioStar has been published in PLoS Computational Biology:

BioStar: An Online Question & Answer Resource for the Bioinformatics Community

Laurence D. Parnell, Pierre Lindenbaum, Khader Shameer, Giovanni Marco Dall'Olio, Daniel C. Swan, Lars Juhl Jensen, Simon J. Cockell, Brent S. Pedersen, Mary E. Mangan, Christopher A. Miller, Istvan Albert. 2011
PLoS Comput Biol 7(10)
Giovanni has already blogged about this paper here, and on my side, I've collected some tweets about this paper.

Many thanks to all the Biostar users and to the contributors of this paper.

That's it

21 October 2011

A reference genome with or without the 'chr' prefix

The name of the chromosomes in the fasta files for the human genome are prefixed with 'chr' :
$  grep ">" hg19.fa 
The FAIDX index for this fasta file looks like this:
chr1 249250621 6 50 51
chr2 243199373 254235646 50 51
chr3 198022430 502299013 50 51
chr4 191154276 704281898 50 51
chr5 180915260 899259266 50 51
chr6 171115067 1083792838 50 51
.Today, I've been asked to call the variations for a set of BAM files mapped on a reference genome without this 'chr' prefix. One way to get around this problem is to change the header for those BAM. Another way is to create a copy of the faidx file where the 'chr' prefixes have been removed (the faidx is still valid as the positions in the chromosomes didn't change):
sed 's/^chr//' hg19.fa.fai > hg19_NOPREFIX.fa.fai
and to create a symbolic link named hg19_NOPREFIX.fa pointing to the original reference:
 ln -s hg19.fa hg19_NOPREFIX.fa
. The result:
ls -lah

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3.0G Jan  4  2011 hg19.fa
-rw-r--r-- 1 root    root   788 Jan 27  2011 hg19.fa.fai
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root    root     7 Oct 20 16:12 hg19_NOPREFIX.fa -> hg19.fa
-rw-r--r-- 1 root    root   713 Oct 20 16:12 hg19_NOPREFIX.fa.fai
This solution worked so far with samtools mpileup.

That's it,


07 October 2011

Knime4Bio: a set of custom nodes for the interpretation of NGS data with KNIME

Our paper has just been published in Bioinformatics  :-)


Knime4Bio: a set of custom nodes for the interpretation of Next Generation Sequencing data with KNIME.
   Pierre Lindenbaum, Solena Le Scouarnec, Vincent Portero and Richard Redon

Summary: Here, we describe Knime4Bio, a set of custom nodes for the KNIME (The Konstanz Information Miner) interactive graphical workbench, for the interpretation of large biological datasets. We demonstrate that this tool can be utilised to quickly retrieve previously published scientific findings.
Availability: http://code.google.com/p/knime4bio/.

That's it,

05 October 2011

Grouping mutations/Gene=f(sample)

GroupByGene is a small C++ tool grouping the data:
  • POS
  • REF
  • GENE
by gene=f(sample). This tool is available on google code : http://code.google.com/p/variationtoolkit/source/browse/trunk/src/groupbygene.cpp
$ cat input.tsv

chr1	10	A	T	gene1	indi1
chr1	10	A	T	gene1	indi2
chr1	11	C	G	gene1	indi2
chr2	110	C	G	gene2	indi3
chr3	210	A	T	gene3	indi1
chr3	211	C	T	gene3	indi2
chr3	211	C	T	gene3	indi3
chr3	215	C	G	gene3	indi3
chr3	216	C	T	gene3	indi3
chr4	390	C	T	gene4	indi1
chr4	390	C	A	gene4	indi3

Calling "groupbygene:

$ groupbygene  --chrom 1 --pos 2 --ref 3 --alt 4 --sample 6 --gene 5 < input.tsv


$ groupbygene  --chrom 1 --pos 2 --ref 3 --alt 4 --sample 6 --gene 5 --norefalt < input.tsv


That's it,


Verticalize: printing the input stream vertically.

A useful tool: verticalize is a small C++ tool printing the input stream vertically. The source is available on github : https://github.com/lindenb/ccsandbox/blob/master/src/verticalize.cpp.
An Example with 1000genomes.org :
$ curl -s "ftp://ftp.1000genomes.ebi.ac.uk/vol1/ftp/release/20100804/ALL.2of4intersection.20100804.sites.vcf.gz"|\
gunzip  -c | grep -v "##" |\
verticalize  | head -n 30

>>>	2
$1	#CHROM	1
$2	POS   	10327
$3	ID    	rs112750067
$4	REF   	T
$5	ALT   	C
$6	QUAL  	.
$8	INFO  	DP=65;AF=0.208;CB=BC,NCBI
<<<	2

>>>	3
$1	#CHROM	1
$2	POS   	10469
$3	ID    	rs117577454
$4	REF   	C
$5	ALT   	G
$6	QUAL  	.
$8	INFO  	DP=2055;AF=0.020;CB=UM,BC,NCBI
<<<	3

That's it, Pierre

26 September 2011

PostScript as a Programming Language for Bioinformatics: mynotebook

"PostScript (PS) is an interpreted, stack-based programming language. It is best known for its use as a page description language in the electronic and desktop publishing areas."[wikipedia]. In this post, I'll show how I've used to create a simple and lightweight view of the genome.

Introduction: just a simple postscript program

The following PS program fills a rectangular gray shape; You can display the result using ghostview, a2ps, etc...
50 50 moveto
0 100 rlineto
100 0 rlineto
0 -100 rlineto
0.5 setgray

Some global variables

The page width

/screenWidth 1000 def

The page width

/screenHeight 1000 def

The minimum 5' position

/minChromStart 1E9 def

The maximum 3' position

/maxChromEnd -1 def

The size of a genomic feature

/featureHeight 20 def

The distance between two 'ticks' for drawing the orientation

/ticksx 20 def

The font size

/theFontSize 9 def
The variable knownGene is a PS array of genes.

/knownGene [
[(uc002zkr.3) (chr22) (-) 161242...
] def

Each Gene is a PS array holding the structure of the UCSC knownGene table, that is to say: name , chromosome, txStart, txEnd, cdsStart, cdsEnd, exonStarts, exonEnds:

[(uc002zmh.2) (chr22) (-) 17618410 17646177 17618910 17646134
   [17618410 17619439 17621948 17623987 17625913 17629337 17630431 17646098 ]
   [17619247 17619628 17622123 17624021 17626007 17629450 17630635 17646177 ]
. a simple command line can be used to fetch those data:
%  curl -s "http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/hg19/database/knownGene.txt.gz" |\
gunzip -c | grep chr22 | head -n 20 |\
awk '{printf("[(%s) (%s) (%s) %s %s %s %s [%s] [%s] ]\n",$1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$9,$10);}' |\
tr "," " " > result.txt 

Some utilities

converting a PS object to string

20 string cvs 
} bind def

Converting a string to interger (loop over each character an increase the current value)

3 dict begin
/s exch def
/i 0 def
/n 0 def
s {
  n 10 mul /n exch def
  s i get 48 sub n add /n exch def %48=ascii('0')
  i 1 add /i exch def
  } forall
n % leave n on the stack
} bind def

Convert a genomic position to a index on the page 'x' axis

minChromStart sub maxChromEnd minChromStart sub div screenWidth mul
} bind def

Extract the chromosome (that is to say, extract the 1st element of the current array on the stack)

1 get
} bind def

Create a hyperlink to the UCSC genome browser

3 dict begin
/E exch def %% END
/S exch def %% START
/C exch def %% CHROMOSOME
[ (http://genome.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hgTracks?position=) C (:) S toString (-) E toString (&) (&db=hg19) ] concatstringarray
} bind def

Paint a rectangle

4 dict begin
/height exch def
/width exch def
/y exch def
/x exch def
x y moveto
width 0 rlineto
0 height rlineto
width -1 mul 0 rlineto
0 height -1 mul rlineto
} bind def

Paint a gray gradient

4 dict begin
/height exch def
/width exch def
/y exch def
/x exch def
/i 0 def
height 2 div /i exch def

0 1 height 2 div {
	1 i height 2.0 div div sub setgray
	y height 2 div i sub  add
	i 2 mul
	i 1 sub /i exch def
0 setgray
0.4 setlinewidth
x y width height box
} bind def

Methods extracting a data about the current gene on the PS stack.

Extract the transcription start:

3 get
} bind def

Extract the transcription end:

4 get
} bind def

Extract the CDS start:

5 get
} bind def

Extract the transcription end:

6 get
} bind def

Extract the strand:

2 get (+) eq {1} {-1} ifelse
} bind def
Get the gene name

0 get
} bind def

Get the number of exons:

7 get length
} bind def

Get the start position of the i-th exon:

2 dict begin
/i exch def
/gene exch def
gene 7 get i get
} bind def

Get the end position of the i-th exon:

2 dict begin
/i exch def
/gene exch def
gene 8 get i get
} bind def

Should we draw this gene on the page ?

1 dict begin
/gene exch def
minChromStart gene getTxEnd gt 
	gene getTxStart maxChromEnd gt
}bind def

Methods for an array of genes

Loop over the genes and extract the lowest 5' index:

3 dict begin
/genes exch def
/pos 10E9 def
/i 0 def
genes length {
	genes i get getTxStart pos min /pos  exch def
	i 1 add /i exch def
} bind def

Loop over the genes and extract the highest 3' index:

3 dict begin
/genes exch def
/pos -1E9 def
/i 0 def
genes length {
	genes i get getTxEnd pos max /pos  exch def
	i 1 add /i exch def
} bind def

Painting ONE Gene

5 dict begin
/gene exch def %% the GENE argument
/midy featureHeight 2.0 div def %the middle of the row
/x0 gene getTxStart convertPos2pixel def % 5' side of the gene in pixel
/x1 gene getTxEnd convertPos2pixel def % 3' side of the gene in pixel
/i 0 def
0.1 setlinewidth

1 0 0 setrgbcolor

x0 midy moveto
x1 midy lineto

% paint ticks
0 1 x1 x0 sub ticksx div{
	gene getStrand 1 eq 
		x0 ticksHeight sub i add midy ticksHeight add moveto
		x0 i add midy lineto
		x0 ticksHeight sub i add midy ticksHeight sub lineto
		x0 ticksHeight add i add midy ticksHeight add moveto
		x0 i add midy lineto
		x0 ticksHeight add i add midy ticksHeight sub lineto
		} ifelse
	i ticksx add /i exch def
	} for

%paint Transcript start-end
0 0 1 setrgbcolor
gene getCdsStart convertPos2pixel
midy cdsHeight 2 div sub
gene getCdsEnd convertPos2pixel gene getCdsStart convertPos2pixel sub 
cdsHeight box

% loop over exons
0 /i exch def
gene getExonCount
	gene i getExonStart convertPos2pixel
	midy exonHeight 2 div sub
	gene i getExonEnd convertPos2pixel gene i getExonStart convertPos2pixel sub
	exonHeight gradient
	i 1 add /i exch def
	} repeat
0 setgray
gene getTxEnd convertPos2pixel 10 add midy moveto
gene getKgName show

[ /Rect [x0 0 x1 1 add featureHeight]
/Border [1 0 0]
/Color [1 0 0]
/Action << /Subtype /URI /URI gene getChrom gene getTxStart gene getTxEnd getHyperLink  >>
/Subtype /Link
/ANN pdfmark

} bind def

Paint all Genes

3 dict begin
/genes exch def %the GENE argument (an array)
/i 0 def % loop iterator
/j 0 def % row iterator

% draw 10 vertical lines
i 0 /i exch def
0 setgray
0 1 10 {
	%draw a vertical line
	screenWidth 10 div i mul 0 moveto
	screenWidth 10 div i mul screenHeight lineto
	% print the position at the top rotate by 90°
	screenWidth 10 div i mul 10 add screenHeight 5 sub moveto
	-90 rotate
	maxChromEnd minChromStart sub i 10 div mul minChromStart add toString show
	90 rotate
	i 1 add /i exch def
	} for

0 /i exch def
genes length {
	genes i get isVisible
		0 j  featureHeight 2 add mul translate
		genes i get paintGene
		j 1 add /j exch def
		} if
	i 1 add /i exch def
} bind def

All in one: the postscript code

Open the PS file in ghostview, evince, ...

Zooming ? Yes we can.

Ghostview has an option -Sname=string
              Define  a  name  in  "systemdict"  with a given string as value.
              This is different from -d.

In my postscript file, the default values for minChromStart and maxChromEnd are overridden by the user's parameters:

systemdict /userChromStart known {
	userChromStart toInteger /minChromStart  exch def
	} if

systemdict /userChromEnd known {
	userChromEnd toInteger /maxChromEnd  exch def
	} if
That's it,


23 September 2011

Joining genomic annotations files with the tabix API.

Tabix is a software that is part of the samtools package. After indexing a file, tabix is able to quickly retrieve data lines overlapping genomic regions (see also my previous post about tabix). Here, I wrote a tool named jointabix that joins the data of a (chrom/start/end) file with a file indexed with tabix. I've posted the code on github at: https://github.com/lindenb/samtools-utilities/blob/master/src/jointabix.c.


$ jointabix  -h

Usage: jointabix (options) {stdin|file|gzfiles}:

  -d   column delimiter. default: TAB
  -c   chromosome column (1).
  -s   start column (2).
  -e   end column (2).
  -i   ignore lines starting with ('#').
  -t   tabix file (required).
  +1 add 1 to the genomic coodinates.
  -1 remove 1 to the genomic coodinates.


In the following example, I'm going to join the SNPs from the 1000 genome project with the "cytoband" database of the UCSC.

##download and index UCSC-cytobands:
$ wget -O cytoBand.txt.gz "http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/hg19/database/cytoBand.txt.gz"
$ gunzip cytoBand.txt.gz
$ bgzip cytoBand.txt

$ curl -s  "ftp://ftp-trace.ncbi.nih.gov/1000genomes/ftp/release/20100804/ALL.2of4intersection.20100804.sites.vcf.gz" |\
   gunzip -c |\
   sed 's/^\([^#]\)/chr\1/' |\
   cut -d '   ' -f 1-5 |\
   jointabix -c 1 -s 2 -e 2 -1 -f cytoBand.txt.gz |\
   grep -v "##"
chr1	10327	rs112750067	T	C	chr1	0	2300000	p36.33	gneg
chr1	10469	rs117577454	C	G	chr1	0	2300000	p36.33	gneg
chr1	10492	rs55998931	C	T	chr1	0	2300000	p36.33	gneg
chr1	10583	rs58108140	G	A	chr1	0	2300000	p36.33	gneg
chr1	11508	.	A	G	chr1	0	2300000	p36.33	gneg
chr1	11565	.	G	T	chr1	0	2300000	p36.33	gneg
chr1	12783	.	G	A	chr1	0	2300000	p36.33	gneg
chr1	13116	.	T	G	chr1	0	2300000	p36.33	gneg
chr1	13327	.	G	C	chr1	0	2300000	p36.33	gneg
chr1	13980	.	T	C	chr1	0	2300000	p36.33	gneg
chr1	14699	.	C	G	chr1	0	2300000	p36.33	gneg
chr1	14930	.	A	G	chr1	0	2300000	p36.33	gneg
chr1	14933	.	G	A	chr1	0	2300000	p36.33	gneg
chr1	14948	.	G	A	chr1	0	2300000	p36.33	gneg
chr1	15118	.	A	G	chr1	0	2300000	p36.33	gneg
chr1	15211	.	T	G	chr1	0	2300000	p36.33	gneg
chr1	15274	.	A	T	chr1	0	2300000	p36.33	gneg
chr1	15820	.	G	T	chr1	0	2300000	p36.33	gneg
chr1	16206	.	T	A	chr1	0	2300000	p36.33	gneg
chr1	16257	.	G	C	chr1	0	2300000	p36.33	gneg
chr1	16280	.	T	C	chr1	0	2300000	p36.33	gneg
chr1	16298	.	C	T	chr1	0	2300000	p36.33	gneg
chr1	16378	.	T	C	chr1	0	2300000	p36.33	gneg
chr1	16495	.	G	C	chr1	0	2300000	p36.33	gneg
chr1	16534	.	C	T	chr1	0	2300000	p36.33	gneg
chr1	16841	.	G	T	chr1	0	2300000	p36.33	gneg
chr1	28376	.	G	A	chr1	0	2300000	p36.33	gneg
chr1	28563	.	A	G	chr1	0	2300000	p36.33	gneg
chr1	30860	.	G	C	chr1	0	2300000	p36.33	gneg
chr1	30885	.	T	C	chr1	0	2300000	p36.33	gneg
chr1	30923	.	G	T	chr1	0	2300000	p36.33	gneg
chr1	31295	.	A	C	chr1	0	2300000	p36.33	gneg
chr1	31467	.	T	C	chr1	0	2300000	p36.33	gneg
chr1	31487	.	G	A	chr1	0	2300000	p36.33	gneg
chr1	40261	.	C	A	chr1	0	2300000	p36.33	gneg
chr1	46633	.	T	A	chr1	0	2300000	p36.33	gneg
chr1	48183	.	C	A	chr1	0	2300000	p36.33	gneg
chr1	48186	.	T	G	chr1	0	2300000	p36.33	gneg
chr1	49272	.	G	A	chr1	0	2300000	p36.33	gneg
chr1	49298	.	T	C	chr1	0	2300000	p36.33	gneg
chr1	49554	.	A	G	chr1	0	2300000	p36.33	gneg
chr1	51479	rs116400033	T	A	chr1	0	2300000	p36.33	gneg
chr1	51673	.	T	C	chr1	0	2300000	p36.33	gneg
chr1	51803	rs62637812	T	C	chr1	0	2300000	p36.33	gneg
chr1	51898	rs76402894	C	A	chr1	0	2300000	p36.33	gneg
chr1	52058	rs62637813	G	C	chr1	0	2300000	p36.33	gneg
chr1	52238	.	T	G	chr1	0	2300000	p36.33	gneg
chr1	52727	.	C	G	chr1	0	2300000	p36.33	gneg
chr1	54353	.	C	A	chr1	0	2300000	p36.33	gneg

That's it,


11 September 2011

The Wikipedia Template:Infobox_biodatabase is now integrated in DBPedia

In January 2011, I started the project Template:Infobox_biodatabase. The goal of this project is the annotation of the biological databases in wikipedia using an infobox. The pages annotated with this template have now been integrated into DBpedia 3.7 and it is now possible to query the data through a SPARQL endpoint.
(Note: during the process of writing the new pages in wikipedia, a few articles have been proposed for deletion for notability reasons: I din't fight against the choise of the WP editors).

Articles in category: "Biological database"


List the biological databases.
PREFIX rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>
PREFIX dbpedia: <http://dbpedia.org/ontology/>

SELECT   ?title ?uri WHERE {
  ?uri a dbpedia:BiologicalDatabase .
  	?uri dbpedia:title ?title.
} ORDER By ?uri


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| "REPAIRtoire"@en                                                           | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/REPAIRtoire>                                                                               |
| "RIKEN integrated database of mammals."@en                                 | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/RIKEN_integrated_database_of_mammals>                                                      |
| "RBPDB"@en                                                                 | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/RNA-binding_protein_database>                                                              |
| "RNA helicase database."@en                                                | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/RNA_helicase_database>                                                                     |
| "RNAMDB"@en                                                                | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/RNA_modification_database>                                                                 |
| "Reactome: a database of reactions, pathways and biological processes."@en | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/Reactome>                                                                                  |
| "REBASE"@en                                                                | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/Rebase_%28database%29>                                                                     |
| "RECODE"@en                                                                | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/Recode_%28database%29>                                                                     |
| "Refseq"@en                                                                | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/RefSeq>                                                                                    |
| "RegPhos"@en                                                               | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/RegPhos>                                                                                   |
| "RegTransBase"@en                                                          | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/RegTransBase>                                                                              |
| "RegulonDB"@en                                                             | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/RegulonDB>                                                                                 |
| "RepTar"@en                                                                | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/RepTar_%28database%29>                                                                     |
| "RetrOryza"@en                                                             | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/RetrOryza>                                                                                 |
| "Rfam"@en                                                                  | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/Rfam>                                                                                      |
| "S/MARt DB"@en                                                             | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/S/MARt>                                                                                    |
| "STRING"@en                                                                | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/STRING>                                                                                    |
| "SUPERFAMILY"@en                                                           | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/SUPERFAMILY>                                                                               |
| "SeaLifeBase"@en                                                           | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/SeaLifeBase>                                                                               |
| "SMART"@en                                                                 | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/Simple_Modular_Architecture_Research_Tool>                                                 |
| "SNPSTR"@en                                                                | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/Snptstr_%28database%29>                                                                    |
| "SPIKE"@en                                                                 | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/Spike_%28database%29>                                                                      |
| "SpliceInfo"@en                                                            | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/SpliceInfo>                                                                                |
| "StarBase"@en                                                              | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/StarBase_%28database%29>                                                                   |
| "SCLD"@en                                                                  | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/Stem_cell_lineage_database>                                                                |
| "STRBase"@en                                                               | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/Strbase>                                                                                   |
| "SAHG"@en                                                                  | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/Structure_atlas_of_human_genome>                                                           |
| "SuperSweet"@en                                                            | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/SuperSweet>                                                                                |
| "SGDB"@en                                                                  | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/Synthetic_gene_database>                                                                   |
| "TIARA"@en                                                                 | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/TIARA_%28database%29>                                                                      |
| "The TIGR Plant Repeat Databases"@en                                       | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/TIGR_plant_repeat_database>                                                                |
| "TIGR Plant Transcript Assemblies database."@en                            | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/TIGR_plant_transcript_assembly_database>                                                   |
| "TMPad"@en                                                                 | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/TMPad>                                                                                     |
| "tRNADB"@en                                                                | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/TRNADB>                                                                                    |
| "TRDB-"@en                                                                 | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/Tandem_repeats_database>                                                                   |
| "TassDB"@en                                                                | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/TassDB>                                                                                    |
| "TcoF-DB"@en                                                               | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/TcoF-DB>                                                                                   |
| "ThYme"@en                                                                 | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/ThYme_%28database%29>                                                                      |
| "TADB"@en                                                                  | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/Toxin-antitoxin_database>                                                                  |
| "TRIP"@en                                                                  | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/Transient_receptor_potential_channel-interacting_protein_database>                         |
| "TranspoGene and microTranspoGene"@en                                      | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/Transpogene>                                                                               |
| "TreeFam"@en                                                               | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/TreeFam>                                                                                   |
| "U12DB"@en                                                                 | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/U12_intron_database>                                                                       |
| "The UCSC Genome Browser"@en                                               | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/UCSC_Genome_Browser>                                                                       |
| "UCbase & miRfunc"@en                                                      | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/UCbase>                                                                                    |
| "UKPMC"@en                                                                 | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/UK_PubMed_Central>                                                                         |
| "UTRdb and UTRsite"@en                                                     | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/UTRdb>                                                                                     |
| "UTRome"@en                                                                | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/UTRome>                                                                                    |
| "UgMicroSatdb"@en                                                          | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/UgMicroSatdb>                                                                              |
| "UniGene"@en                                                               | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/UniGene>                                                                                   |
| "UniPROBE"@en                                                              | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/UniPROBE>                                                                                  |
| "UniProt"@en                                                               | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/UniProt>                                                                                   |
| "UniVec"@en                                                                | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/Univec>                                                                                    |
| "VISTA Enhancer Browser"@en                                                | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/VISTA_%28comparative_genomics%29>                                                          |
| "VnD"@en                                                                   | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/Variations_and_drugs_database>                                                             |
| "VectorDB"@en                                                              | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/VectorDB>                                                                                  |
| "ViralZon"@en                                                              | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/ViralZone>                                                                                 |
| "VKCDB"@en                                                                 | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/Voltage-gated_potassium_channel_database>                                                  |
| "WebGeSTer DB"@en                                                          | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/WebGeSTer>                                                                                 |
| "WormBase"@en                                                              | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/WormBase>                                                                                  |
| "YPA"@en                                                                   | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/Yeast_promoter_atlas>                                                                      |
| "YEASTRACT"@en                                                             | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/Yeastract>                                                                                 |
|                                                                            | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/ZINC_database>                                                                             |
| "ZFIN"@en                                                                  | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/Zebrafish_Information_Network>                                                             |

List the biological databases in the category "Systems Biology"


PREFIX rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>
PREFIX dbpedia: <http://dbpedia.org/ontology/>

SELECT   ?title ?description ?uri WHERE {
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  ?uri <http://purl.org/dc/terms/subject> <http://dbpedia.org/resource/Category:Systems_biology> .
  	?uri <http://dbpedia.org/property/title> ?title.
  	?uri <http://dbpedia.org/property/description> ?description .
} ORDER By ?title


| title                                       | description                                                                                                  | uri                                                                   |
| "BISC"@en                                   | "Protein–protein interaction database linking structural biology with functional genomics"@en                | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/BISC_%28database%29>                     |
| "BioGRID"@en                                | "interaction data."@en                                                                                       | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/BioGRID>                                 |
| "BioModels Database"@en                     | "A database for storing, exchanging and retrieving published quantitative models of biological interest."@en | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/BioModels_Database>                      |
| "ChemProt"@en                               | "disease chemical biology database."@en                                                                      | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/ChemProt>                                |
| "ConsensusPathDB"@en                        | "human functional interaction networks."@en                                                                  | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/ConsensusPathDB>                         |
| "DIMA"@en                                   | "predicted and known interactions between protein domains"@en                                                | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/DIMA_%28database%29>                     |
| "HitPredict"@en                             | "quality assessed protein-protein interactions in nine species."@en                                          | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/HitPredict>                              |
| "KEGG"@en                                   | "The KEGG resource for deciphering the genome."@en                                                           | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/KEGG>                                    |
| "KUPS"@en                                   | "datasets of interacting and non-interacting protein pairs with associated attributions."@en                 | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/KUPS_%28database%29>                     |
| "PID"@en                                    | "Pathway Interaction Database."@en                                                                           | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/NCI-Nature_Pathway_Interaction_Database> |
| "Pathway Commons"@en                        | "biological pathways."@en                                                                                    | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/Pathway_commons>                         |
| "ProtCID"@en                                | "interactions of homologous proteins in multiple crystal forms."@en                                          | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/ProtCID>                                 |
| "REPAIRtoire"@en                            | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/DNA_repair>                                                                     | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/REPAIRtoire>                             |
| "REPAIRtoire"@en                            | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/Systems_biology>                                                                | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/REPAIRtoire>                             |
| "SPIKE"@en                                  | "highly curated human signaling pathways."@en                                                                | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/Spike_%28database%29>                    |
| "STRING"@en                                 | "Search Tool for the Retrieval of Interacting Genes/Proteins"@en                                             | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/STRING>                                  |
| "3"^^<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#int> | "identification and classification of domain-based interactions of known three-dimensional structure."@en    | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/3did>                                    |

list the databases available at the NCBI

Sparql query

PREFIX rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>
PREFIX dbpedia: <http://dbpedia.org/ontology/>

SELECT  ?title ?description ?uri WHERE {
  ?uri a <http://dbpedia.org/ontology/BiologicalDatabase> .
  ?uri <http://dbpedia.org/property/center> <http://dbpedia.org/resource/National_Center_for_Biotechnology_Information> .
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| title                 | description                                                                                                        | uri                                                     |
| "BGMUT"@en            | "database of variations in the genes that encode antigens of blood group systems"@en                               | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/BGMUT>                     |
| "CDD"@en              | "Conserved Domain Database for the functional annotation of proteins."@en                                          | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/Conserved_domain_database> |
| "GenBank"@en          | "Nucleotide sequences for more than 300 000 organisms with supporting bibliographic and biological annotation."@en | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/GenBank>                   |
| "NCBI Epigenomics"@en | "epigenomic data sets."@en                                                                                         | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/NCBI_Epigenomics>          |
| "Refseq"@en           | "curated non-redundant sequence database of genomes."@en                                                           | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/RefSeq>                    |
| "UniGene"@en          | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/Transcriptome>                                                                        | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/UniGene>                   |
| "dbSNP"@en            | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/Database>                                                                             | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/DbSNP>                     |
| "dbSNP"@en            | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/Single-nucleotide_polymorphism>                                                       | <http://dbpedia.org/resource/DbSNP>                     |

List the biological databases having a SPARQL endpoint

SPARQL query

PREFIX rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>

SELECT ?uri ?endpoint WHERE {
  ?uri a <http://dbpedia.org/ontology/BiologicalDatabase> .
  ?uri <http://dbpedia.org/property/sparql> ?endpoint .


| uri                                  | endpoint                                  |
| <http://dbpedia.org/resource/ChEBI>  | <http://chebi.bio2rdf.org>                |
| <http://dbpedia.org/resource/ChEMBL> | <http://rdf.farmbio.uu.se/chembl/snorql/> |
That's It, Pierre