21 October 2008

Javadoc is not enough: java2dot

I just wrote a tiny tool used to draw a graph for a java hierarchy. The input of the program is a set of jar files and the name of the classes to be displayed.

The source code is available here:
. The information about each class is obtained using the java.lang.reflect API and the classes are dynamically loaded using an URLClassLoader. The output is a DOT file which is then piped into graphiz dot

As an example, the command line below was used to create the hierarchy of the com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Model.
It was generated using the following command line:
java -jar ./java2dot.jar
Pierre Lindenbaum PhD. pindenbaum@yahoo.fr
Java2Dot : Compiled by lindenb on 2008-10-21 at 17:40:52 in /home/lindenb/src/lindenb/proj/tinytools
-h this screen
-jar <dir0:jar1:jar2:dir1:...> add a jar in the jar list. If directory, will add all the *ar files
-r add a pattern of classes to be ignored.
-i ignore interfaces
-m ignore classes iMplementing interfaces
-d ignore declared-classes (classes with $ in the name)
-o output file

class-1 class-2 ... class-n

java -jar ./java2dot.jar -jar ${JENADIR}/Jena-2.5.6/lib -d com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Model |\
dot -Tjpeg -ojenamodel.jpeg

Update: A jar is available here http://lindenb.googlecode.com/files/java2dot.jar.



  1. very interesting... how can i use it? (were is the jar?)

  2. i have a prob javac-ing your refference code... is there available the whole jar?

  3. just added an executable jar: see http://code.google.com/p/lindenb/downloads/list

  4. I get:
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: //java2dot/jar
    Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: ..java2dot.jar

    from this command:

    java ./java2dot.jar -jar d:/java/projects/jolene/jolene-core-0.9.j
    ar dot -Tjpeg -ojolene.jpeg

  5. @Dan

    the correct command would be :

    java -jar java2dot.jar -jar d:/java/projects/jolene/jolene-core-0.9.jar NAME OF YOUR CLASS>| dot -Tjpeg -ojolene.jpeg

    DOT must be installed on your machine.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. @wytten you can define multiple jar by using the option -jar at mulitple times or use the path of the directory of your jars

    Hope it helps

  8. Pierre, when I try to use drive letters in the 2nd -jar parameter I get errors like this:
    c doesn't exists
    java.util.zip.ZipException: error in opening zip file

  9. java -jar t:/java2dot.jar -jar c:/subgroups.jar stuff

    I've tried the above with both cmd.exe and Cygwin bash.


  10. Sorry, no idea.

    Are you sure 'c:' contains a readable non-encrypted file called 'subgroups.jar' ?

  11. I get "Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: Bad version number in .class file" when I run "java -jar java2dot.jar".

  12. Java 1.6 is required. Running java -version should give "Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.xxxx)
