25 July 2008

Feeling like a newbie: Parsing NCBI-TinySeq with RUBY

I've been recently interested in the new popular language Ruby and its web framework Rails for two reasons:
First,this picture:

Second, Matt Wood's blog about bioinformatics and ruby.

So here is my very first experience with ruby. The book I used was

Very good for learning but a little bit outdated. And I shoudl have started with a book about ruby only.

I've downloaded rails as described here. I got two problems:
  • a ssl library was not installed. I fixed the problem thank to this post
  • a problem with the zlib library, fixed by installing the ruby-zlib

My 'hello world' was "download a sequence from ncbi in TinySeq/XML format, parse the XML and create a new instance of 'a sequence' class". I've been suprised to find that ruby doesn't contain a decent API for parsing XML with DOM or SAX. The default API is called REXML and I found it ugly (or I may be too new to ruby to understand why it may be good). On friendfeed Adam Kraut suggested me to consider libxml-ruby (http://libxml.rubyforge.org/) or Hpricot (an xhtml parser). However I gave REXML a try by using its event-based API (but it is *not* a SAX API (namespaces are not supported) ).

OK, here is how I coded this (it took me hours to find the correct statements :-) ).
First we define a class handling an Organism which is just an id and a name (taxId and taxName)
class Organism
def initialize(id,name)

We also tell ruby to generate the getters to access those two properties
attr_accessor :id, :name

Next, we define a TinySeq class:
class TinySeq
#class members

In this TinySeq class I defined a nested class Handler: a XML stream handler using the REXML::StreamListener API. This looks like a SAX Handler but it doesn't handle the namespaces.
A TinySeq XML looks like this
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE TSeqSet PUBLIC "-//NCBI//NCBI TSeq/EN" "http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/dtd/NCBI_TSeq.dtd">
<TSeq_seqtype value="nucleotide"/>
<TSeq_orgname>Bos taurus</TSeq_orgname>
<TSeq_defline>B.bovis beta-2-gpI mRNA for beta-2-glycoprotein I</TSeq_defline>

here is the code I used to handle the XML events:
class Handler
include REXML::StreamListener

the class is initialized with an empty TinySeq instance
def initialize(tinyseq)
@tinyseq = tinyseq
#current tag
@tag = nil
#current text
@textcontent = nil
#did we see an error ?

I wish I could have just declared some getters for the class TinySeq but this nested class TinySeq::Handler needed to set the properties of this tinyseq. It seems not to work like java where the nested classes have an access to the private properties of the parent class) that is why I asked ruby to create both setters and getters in TinySeq.
attr_accessor :seqtype, :gi, :accver, :sid, :local, :organism, :defline, :length

Next we define what the handler should do when it opens a tag
def tag_start(name, attrs)
if !( name=="TSeq_sequence" || name=="TSeqSet" || name=="TSeq" || name=="TSeq_seqtype"|| name=="Error" )
elsif name=="TSeq_seqtype"
@tinyseq.seqtype = attrs["value"]
elsif name=="Error"

... when it finds a text within a tag
def text(text)
unless @tag.nil?

... when it closes a tag (it fills the properties of the tinyseq)
def tag_end(name)
unless @tag.nil?
case @tag
when "TSeq_gi"
@tinyseq.gi = @textcontent
when "TSeq_accver"
@tinyseq.accver = @textcontent
when "TSeq_sid"
@tinyseq.sid = @textcontent
when "TSeq_local"
@tinyseq.local = @textcontent
when "TSeq_defline"
@tinyseq.defline = @textcontent
when "TSeq_taxid"
@taxid = @textcontent
when "TSeq_orgname"
@orgname = @textcontent
when "TSeq_length"
@tinyseq.length = @textcontent
$stderr.puts "Error #{name} #{@tag}\n"

if name=="TSeq" && !error
@tinyseq.organism= Organism.new(@taxid,@orgname)

Then we create a static... sorry... a "class method" fetch for TinySeq returning a TinySeq object from a ncbi gi identifier.
def TinySeq.fetch(gi)
#build the efetch uri
#the API works whatever db is protein or nucleotide
url = "http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/eutils/efetch.fcgi?db=protein&id="+ CGI::escape(gi.to_s)+"&rettype=fasta&retmode=xml";
#create a new Streaming handler
handler= TinySeq::Handler.new TinySeq.new
#parse the document
REXML::Document.parse_stream(Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse(url)).body, handler)
if handler.error
return nil
return handler.tinyseq

Finally, here is a good old 'main argc/argv' reading a list of gi on the command line, fetching a TinySeq object, putting this instance in an array and printing the content of the array.
if seq.nil?
$stderr.print "#{gi} is a bad gi\n"
seqarray << seq
seqarray.each{|seq| print seq.to_s+"\n"}

... testing....
pierre@linux:~> ruby tinyseq.rb 5 6 7
(5|X60065.1) "B.bovis beta-2-gpI mRNA for beta-2-glycoprotein I" size:1136 (9913) Bos taurus
(6|CAA42669.1) "beta-2-glycoprotein I [Bos taurus]" size:342 (9913) Bos taurus
(7|X51700.1) "Bos taurus mRNA for bone Gla protein" size:437 (9913) Bos taurus

That's it. I would be curious to know about a simpler and more elegant solution.


The complete source code:

require "cgi"
require 'net/http'
require 'rexml/document'
require 'rexml/streamlistener'

#an organism: a taxon ncbi id and a name
class Organism
#generate the getters; getId() and getName()
attr_accessor :id, :name
def initialize(id,name)

#toString method
def to_s
return "("+@id+") "+@name

#a ncbi TinySeq
class TinySeq

#class members

#generate the getters and the setters
#How can I just use attr_reader instead attr_accessor of and the nested class TinySeq::Handler have an access to those properties ?
attr_accessor :seqtype, :gi, :accver, :sid, :local, :organism, :defline, :length

#toString function
def to_s
return "(#{@gi}|#{@accver}) \"#{@defline}\" size:#{@length} #{@organism}"

#internal class
class Handler
include REXML::StreamListener
attr_reader :error, :tinyseq

#initialize with a tinyseq
def initialize(tinyseq)
@tinyseq = tinyseq
#current tag
@tag = nil
#current text
@textcontent = nil
#did we see an error

def tag_start(name, attrs)
if !( name=="TSeq_sequence" || name=="TSeqSet" || name=="TSeq" || name=="TSeq_seqtype"|| name=="Error" )
elsif name=="TSeq_seqtype"
@tinyseq.seqtype = attrs["value"]
elsif name=="Error"

def tag_end(name)
unless @tag.nil?
case @tag
when "TSeq_gi"
@tinyseq.gi = @textcontent
when "TSeq_accver"
@tinyseq.accver = @textcontent
when "TSeq_sid"
@tinyseq.sid = @textcontent
when "TSeq_local"
@tinyseq.local = @textcontent
when "TSeq_defline"
@tinyseq.defline = @textcontent
when "TSeq_taxid"
@taxid = @textcontent
when "TSeq_orgname"
@orgname = @textcontent
when "TSeq_length"
@tinyseq.length = @textcontent
$stderr.puts "Error #{name} #{@tag}\n"

if name=="TSeq" && !error
@tinyseq.organism= Organism.new(@taxid,@orgname)


def text(text)
unless @tag.nil?


#class method (eq java static)
def TinySeq.fetch(gi)

#build the efetch uri
#the API works whatever db is protein or nucleotide
url = "http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/eutils/efetch.fcgi?db=protein&id="+ CGI::escape(gi.to_s)+"&rettype=fasta&retmode=xml";
#create a new Streaming handler
handler= TinySeq::Handler.new TinySeq.new
#parse the document
REXML::Document.parse_stream(Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse(url)).body, handler)
if handler.error
return nil
return handler.tinyseq

if seq.nil?
$stderr.print "#{gi} is a bad gi\n"
seqarray << seq
seqarray.each{|seq| print seq.to_s+"\n"}

21 July 2008

SciFOAF 2.0

If you're following me on twitter or on friendfeed you may know that I've re-written a new version of SciFOAF.

Here is the documentation:

What is SciFOAF

SciFOAF is the second version of a tool I created to build a FOAF/RDF file from your publications in ncbi/pubmed. The FOAF project defines a semantic format based on RDF/XML to define persons or groups, their relationships, as well as their basic properties such as name, e-mail address, subjects of interest, publications, and so on... This FOAF profile can be used to describe your work, your laboratory, your contacts.
The first version was introduced in 2006 here as a java webstart interface and had many problems:

  • the RDF file could not be loaded/saved

  • only a few properties could be edited

  • authors'name definition may vary from one journal to another as some journal may use the initial of an author while another may use the complete first name.

  • the interaction was just a kind of multiple-choice questionnaire

The new version now uses the Jena API, the rdf repository can be loaded and saved.


Downloading SciFOAF

A *.jar file should be available for download at http://lindenb.googlecode.com/files/scifoaf.jar.

Running SciFOAF

export JENA_LIB=your_path_to/Jena/lib
export CLASSPATH=${JENA_LIB}/antlr-2.7.5.jar:${JENA_LIB}/arq-extra.jar:${JENA_LIB}/arq.jar:${JENA_LIB}/commons-logging-1.1.1.jar:${JENA_LIB}/concurrent.jar:${JENA_LIB}/icu4j_3_4.jar:${JENA_LIB}/iri.jar:${JENA_LIB}/jena.jar:${JENA_LIB}/jenatest.jar:${JENA_LIB}/json.jar:${JENA_LIB}/junit.jar:${JENA_LIB}/log4j-1.2.12.jar:${JENA_LIB}/lucene-core-2.3.1.jar:${JENA_LIB}/stax-api-1.0.jar:${JENA_LIB}/wstx-asl-3.0.0.jar:${JENA_LIB}/xercesImpl.jar:${JENA_LIB}/xml-apis.jar:YOUR_PATH_TO/scifoaf.jar

java org.lindenb.scifoaf.SciFOAF

the first time your run SciFOAF, You're prompted to give yourself an URI. The best choice would be to give the URL where your foaf file will be stored or the URL of your personnal homepage or blog. On startup a file called foaf.rdf will be created in your home directory. Alternatively you can specify a file on the command line.
When the application is closed, the FOAF model will be saved back to the file.

The Main Pane

The first window contains a sequence of tab Each tab fits to a given rdf Class:

  • foaf:Person

  • geo:Place

  • bibo:Article

  • ...

For each tab, a button "New ...." creates a new instance of the given Class.

Building your profile

Add a foaf:Image

Add the URL of the picture, for example: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/42/Charles_Darwin_aged_51.jpg.

Add an bibo:Article

enter the PMID of the artcle

Add a geo:Place

SciFOAF, uses the geonames.org API.

Add a foaf:Person

You can the link this person to his publication, his foaf:based_near, the persons he knows..
SciFOAF 2.0


Create foaf:Group, event:Event, doap:Project....

Exporting to KML

(Experimental) In menu "File' select 'Export to KML'. SciFOAF will export a KML file containing the geolocalized foaf:Persons.
A test is available here and is visible in maps.google.com at http://maps.google.com/maps?q=http://yokofakun.....

Exporting to XHTML+SVG

(Experimental) In menu "File' select 'Export to XHTML'. Here, I've roughly copied the tool I wrote for exploring the Nature Network using SVG/javscript/JSON/XTML. Many things remain to do.
Nature Network

Loading a Batch of Articles

In the main panel, for bibo:Article a button can be used to load a batch of articles.
On ncbi/pubmed, perform a query, choose
Display: and then . Copy the list of PMID and paste it in the "Load Batch" dialog, press OK. After a moment, all the articles are uploaded in the RDF model.


A RDF File describing a few persons in the Biogang is available here.

Source Code

The source code is available on http://code.google.com/p/lindenb/.
The ant file is in


01 July 2008

Bioinformatics Zen : Bioinformatics Career Survey

Via Bioinformatics Zen:

If you’d like to embed this form in your own webpage or blog, using the following HTML.
<iframe src="http://spreadsheets.google.com/embeddedform?key=pdgOWoFpnRtwTMsOuSjN2YA&hl=en_GB" width="350" height="3150" frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0">Loading...</iframe>

Parsing JSON with javacc my Notebook.

Although I didn't wrote a new great programming language, I had a little experience with C lexers/parsers especialy with lex/yacc|flex/bison , a LALR parser. Now I'm programming in Java, I've been looking for the parsers available for this language: the most popular tools seems to be the top-down parsers javacc and antlr. In this post I show how I wrote a simple javacc parser reading a JSON entry (this is just an exercice, it is also easy to write this kind of parser using java.io.StreamTokenizer or java.util.Scanner).
First of all I found that the documentation was very limited and unlike Bison, I had the feeling that the javacc tutorial was a kind of "Look a the examples, isn't it cool ?"? I just writing my notebook here, so on my side I won't explain how I think I've understand how javacc works :-).
OK now, let's go back, to our JSON grammar and to the content of the javacc file.

The file is called JSONHandler.jj, it contains a java class JSONHandler with a main calling a method object after reading the input from stdin. This method will parse the json stream , transform it into a java object and echo it on stderr. The class is delimited by the keywords PARSER_BEGIN and PARSER_END

public class JSONHandler {
public static void main(String args[])
JSONHandler parser = new JSONHandler(System.in);
Object o=parser.object();
System.err.println("JAVA OBJECT: "+o);
} catch(Exception err)

Next we declare that the blank characters will be ignored:
" "
| "\t"
| "\n"
| "\r"

We then declare the lexical tokens (numbers, string, quoted strings) using a BNF grammar. As an example, here, a SIMPLE_QUOTE_LITERAL starts and ends with "\'" , it contains an unlimited number of ("escaped C special characters" or "normal characters").

<#LETTER: ["_","a"-"z","A"-"Z"] >
| <#DIGIT: ["0"-"9"] >
| <#SIGN: ["-","+"]>
| <#EXPONENT: ("E"|"e") (<SIGN>)? (<DIGIT>)+
| (<DIGIT>)+ (<EXPONENT>) >
| <#ESCAPE_CHAR: "\\" ["n","t","b","r","f","\\","'","\""]
( (~["\'","\\","\n","\r"])
( (~["\"","\\","\n","\r"])

As we saw, the parser starts is job by invoking the object method. We expect here a JSON array or a JSON object or another identifier (null ||false||true||string). Those choices store their results in the variable o. This method returns a java.lang.Object.

public Object object():
{Object o;}
| o= map()
| o= identifier()
{return o;}

JSON arrays will be returned as java.util.Vector<Object>. A JSON array is identified as starting by "[" and ending with "]", it contains zero or more JSON objects separated with a comma. Each time an element of this array is found, it is added in the vector. at the end, the vector is returned as the value of this array.
public Vector<Object> array():
{Vector<Object> vector= new Vector<Object>(); Object o;}
"[" ( o= object() {vector.addElement(o);} ("," o=object() {vector.addElement(o);} ) * )? "]"
return vector;

A JSON identifier can be a number, a string, a quoted string (need to be un-escaped), null, true or false. The content of this lexical token is obtained via the Token object which class is generated by javacc.

public Object identifier():
{Token t;}
return new Double(t.image);
return new Long(t.image);
return Boolean.TRUE;
else if(t.image.equals("false"))
return Boolean.FALSE;
else if(t.image.equals("null"))
return null;
return t.image;
return unescape(t.image);
return unescape(t.image);

JSON Object will be returned as java.util.HashMap. A JSON Object starts with '{' and ends with '}'. In this case, we're passing this map as an argument each time the parser finds a pair of key/value.

public HashMap<String,Object> map():
{HashMap<String,Object> map= new HashMap<String,Object>(); }
"{" ( keyValue(map) ("," keyValue(map))*)? "}"
return map;

public void keyValue( HashMap<String,Object> map):
{Object k; Object v;}
(k=identifier() ":" v=object())
if(k==null) throw new ParseException("null cannot be used as key in object");
if(!(k instanceof String)) throw new ParseException(k.toString()+"("+k.getClass()+") cannot
be used as key in object");

javacc JSONHandler.jj
Java Compiler Compiler Version 4.0 (Parser Generator)
(type "javacc" with no arguments for help)
Reading from file JSONHandler.jj . . .
Parser generated successfully.
javac JSONHandler.java

Here is the content of test.json
name:"Bovine Rotavirus"
name:"Homo Sapiens"
description:"Rotavirus Non Structural Protein 3",
organism-id: 10929,
acc: "ACB38353"
description:"eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4 gamma",
organism-id: 9606,
label:"NSP3 interacts with EIF4G1",

This file is parsed, a *java* object is returned and printed on screen.
java JSONHandler < test.json
JAVA OBJECT: {organisms=[{id=10929, name=Bovine Rotavirus}, {id=9606, name=Homo Sapiens}],
proteins=[{description=Rotavirus Non Structural Protein 3, organism-id=10929, label=NSP3,
acc=ACB38353}, {description=eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4 gamma,
organism-id=9606, label=EIF4G, acc=AAI40897}], interactions=[{pubmed-id=[77120248, 38201627],
label=NSP3 interacts with EIF4G1, proteins=[ACB38353, AAI40897]}]}

Here is the complete javacc source code:
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.HashMap;

public class JSONHandler {

public static void main(String args[])
JSONHandler parser = new JSONHandler(System.in);
Object o=parser.object();
System.err.println("JAVA OBJECT: "+o);
} catch(Exception err)

/** unescape a C string */
private static String unescape(String s)
StringBuilder sb= new StringBuilder(s.length());
for(int i=1;i< s.length()-1;++i)
if(i+1< s.length()-1)
case '\n': sb.append('\n'); break;
case '\r': sb.append('\r'); break;
case '\\': sb.append('\\'); break;
case 'b': sb.append('\b'); break;
case 't': sb.append('\t'); break;
case 'f': sb.append('\f'); break;
case '\'': sb.append('\''); break;
case '\"': sb.append('\"'); break;
default: sb.append(s.charAt(i));
return sb.toString();



" "
| "\t"
| "\n"
| "\r"

<#LETTER: ["_","a"-"z","A"-"Z"] >
| <#DIGIT: ["0"-"9"] >
| <#SIGN: ["-","+"]>
| <#EXPONENT: ("E"|"e") (<SIGN>)? (<DIGIT>)+ >
| (<DIGIT>)+ (<EXPONENT>) >
| <#ESCAPE_CHAR: "\\" ["n","t","b","r","f","\\","'","\""] >
( (~["\'","\\","\n","\r"])
( (~["\"","\\","\n","\r"])

public Object object():
{Object o;}
| o= map()
| o= identifier()
{return o;}

public Object identifier():
{Token t;}
return new Double(t.image);
return new Long(t.image);
return Boolean.TRUE;
else if(t.image.equals("false"))
return Boolean.FALSE;
else if(t.image.equals("null"))
return null;
return t.image;
return unescape(t.image);
return unescape(t.image);

public Vector<Object> array():
{Vector<Object> vector= new Vector<Object>(); Object o;}
"[" ( o=object() {vector.addElement(o);} ("," o=object() {vector.addElement(o);} ) * )? "]"
return vector;

public HashMap<String,Object> map():
{HashMap<String,Object> map= new HashMap<String,Object>(); }
"{" ( keyValue(map) ("," keyValue(map))*)? "}"
return map;

public void keyValue( HashMap<String,Object> map):
{Object k; Object v;}
(k=identifier() ":" v=object())
if(k==null) throw new ParseException("null cannot be used as key in object");
if(!(k instanceof String)) throw new ParseException(k.toString()+"("+k.getClass()+") cannot be used as key in object");

That's it. What's next ? jjtree is another component of the javacc package and seems to be a promising tool: it builds a tree structure from the grammar. The nodes of this tree can then be visited just like in a DOM/XML document and a language can be implemented, but here again, the documentation is succinct.

bye ! bye ! my private web server !

I'm about to leave my current job. Thus, soon or later, the web server where I stored my stuff will diseappear. Most of those items have been introduced on this blog.
