10 March 2008

Custom Search Engine For Bioinformatics

Mostly because I need this every time, I wrote a few "Custom Search" engines for dbSNP, Hapmap and the ICSC Genome Browser. Those engines are available at http://lindenb.integragen.org/opensearch/opensearch.html.



  1. Although I don't frequently search genetics data like this, I do make extensive use of Biobar, a neat Mozilla plug-in that makes searching a range of biological databases a snap.

    I'm not sure if anyone is still developing the plug in, but I think it would be useful for a lot of people (including yourself)if the sources you mentioned were implemented in there.

    Just a thought...


  2. If anyone likes the firefox search toolbar, I've made plugins for S. pombe genedb, SGD, and UCSC Yeast genome browser. Just go to mycroft.mozdev.org and search for them.
