30 January 2009

Bravo !! Microblogging the ISMB: A New Approach to Conference Reporting

Microblogging the ISMB: A New Approach to Conference Reporting

Neil Saunders, Pedro Beltrão, Lars Jensen, Daniel Jurczak, Roland Krause, Michael Kuhn, Shirley Wu
PLoS Comput Biol 5(1): e1000263. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1000263.

Hey ! I know the authors of this paper !! :-)
I personally congratulate them !

Follow them/me/us/the biogang on FriendFeed !

22 January 2009

An ubiquity script for Mediawiki

I've just written a script for mozilla ubiquity. When editing a page in a wiki, this command mw calls the mediawiki API and suggests some internal links.

This extension is available here: http://yokofakun.googlepages.com/ubiquity.html. It worked fine with wikipedia and openwetware.

More info about this extension is available on mediawiki.org

And here is a screenshot:

That's it.

04 January 2009

An extension for MediaWiki: displaying a DNA sequence

This post is about a new extension for MediaWiki (the wiki engine of wikipedia written in PHP). This was the first extension I wrote: this extension add a new custom tag <dnaseq> and it simply displays a DNA sequence. Here is a screenshot of this extension installed in my local mediawiki.

and the source code for this extension is available here:

First we tell MediaWiki about this new extension in ${MWROOT}/LocalSettings.php

Then we install this new feature which is a new TAG named <dnaseq>. Each time the mediawiki will find a <dnaseq> , the function myRenderDnaSequence will be called.
$wgHooks['ParserFirstCallInit'][] = 'myDnaSequence';
function myDnaSequence()
global $wgParser;
$wgParser->setHook( 'dnaseq', 'myRenderDnaSequence' );
return true;

myRenderDnaSequence is the function returning the formatted DNA sequence:
function myRenderDnaSequence( $input, $args, $parser )
if($input==null) return "";
$len= strlen($input);
$html="<div style='padding: 10px; font-size:10px; border-width: thin; border: 1px black solid; white-space: pre;background-color: white;font-family: courier, monospace;line-height:13px; font-size:12px;'>";
for($i=0;$i< $len;$i++)
$c = $input[$i];
if(ctype_space($c) || ctype_digit($c)) continue;
if($n % 60 == 0)
if($n!=0) $html.="<br/>";
$html.= sprintf("%06d ",($n+1));
else if($n % 10 ==0)
$html.=" ";
case "a":
$html.="<span style='color:green;'>".$c."</span>";
case "c":
$html.="<span style='color:blue;'>".$c."</span>";
case "g":
$html.="<span style='color:black;'>".$c."</span>";
case "t":
case "u":
$html.="<span style='color:red'>".$c."</span>";
$html.="<span style='text-decoration:blink;color:gray'>".$c."</span>";
if($n % 60 == 0)
$html.= sprintf(" %06d",($n));
$html .= "</div>";
return $html;

That's it.