
see also: AJAXification of genome browsers on NN.
. By default the plugin looks at http://ubio.org:9090/authority to find a "WSDL" file.lsid:ncbi.nlm.nih.gov:pubmed:12507336
instead of http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?Db=pubmed&Cmd=ShowDetailView&TermToSearch=12507336&ordinalpos=1&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum or http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?Db=pubmed&Cmd=ShowDetailView&uid=12507336. (Note that the two later URL are not the same but they point to the same article). An LSID resolver
can also be used to find/discover some other (RDF based) properties about your object.lsidres:
LsidModule.registerSelf = function (compMgr, location, loaderStr, type){
// http://developer.mozilla.org/xpcom/api/nsIComponentRegistrar/
compMgr = compMgr.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIComponentRegistrar);
"Protocol handler for LSID",
location, loaderStr, type);
Google gears is an open source browser extension that enables web applications to provide offline functionality. The data are stored locally in a fully-searchable relational database using the sqlite engine.
My Biological Network is a tool I created as a test to play with Google gears: it is used to build a network of protein-protein interactions. It uses Google Gears to record your entries on the local disk, so Gears needs to be installed on your computer. Programming with gears with JAVASCRIPT is really cool as you don't have to implement the storage of the data on the server side and you're using some standard SQL statements to handle the data.
On my computer, the database is stored in /env/islande/home/lindenb/.mozilla/firefox/<profile-id>/Google Gears for Firefox/islande/<host>/mynetwork#database
. The database can be manualy accessed using sqlite3:
sqlite3 mynetwork#database
SQLite version 3.4.0
Enter '.help' for instructions
sqlite> .tables
component interactionhash paper technology
interaction organism prote
sqlite> .schema organism
CREATE TABLE organism(id integer primary key ,name varchar(50) not null unique);
sqlite> select * from organism;
9606|Homo Sapiens
We the page is loaded, we check that gears was installed
if (!window.google || !google.gears) {
debug("NOTE: You must install Google Gears first.")
We then create the database if does not exist. The file is created in firefox in ${HOME}/.mozilla/firefox/<profile-id>/Google Gears for Firefox/<server>/mynetwork#database
connection = google.gears.factory.create("beta.database","1.0");
I create the tables just by invoking some standards SQL 'CREATE TABLE' statements. I also insert some default values (e.g. human organism)
connection.execute("create table if not exists organism(id integer primary key ,name varchar(50) not null unique)");
connection.execute("insert or ignore into organism(id,name) values(9606,\"Homo Sapiens\")");
connection.execute("create table if not exists protein(id integerprimary key autoincrement,name varchar(50) not null,taxId int not null,acn varchar(50) not null unique)");
connection.execute("create table if not exists paper(pmid integerprimary key ,title varchar(255) not null,citation varchar(255) not null,firstAuthor varchar(50) not null)");
connection.execute("create table if not exists component(id integer primary key autoincrement,go varchar(50) not null unique, name varchar(50) not null unique)");
connection.execute("insert or ignore into component(go,name) values(\"GO:0005575\",\"cellular component\")");
connection.execute("insert or ignore into component(go,name) values(\"GO:0008372\",\"cellular component unknown\")");
connection.execute("create table if not exists technology(id integer primary key autoincrement,name varchar(50) not null unique, description varchar(255) not null)");
connection.execute("insert or ignore into technology(name,description) values(\"Y2H\",\"Yeast Two Hybrid System\")");
connection.execute("insert or ignore into technology(name,description) values(\"CoIP\",\"Co-Immuno Precipitation\")");
connection.execute("create table if not exists interaction(id integer primary key autoincrement, name varchar(50) not null unique,description varchar(255) not null)");
connection.execute("create table if not exists interactionhash(id integer primary key autoincrement,LINK_interaction int ,type varchar(20) not null,child int not null)");
When a data is about to be inserted we check all the fields and we insert them using SQL: INSERT INTO
var id= getById("organism-input-id");
debug("TaxId not a Number");
var name=getById("organism-input-name");
debug("Taxon Name empty");
connection.execute("insert into organism(id,name) values("+sqlescape(trim(id.value))+","+sqlquote(trim(name.value))+")");
a simple SELECT
is used to retrieve the data and insert them in a HTML table
var rs= connection.execute("select id,name from organism order by name");
while (rs.isValidRow())
var tr= ce("tr");
var td= ce("td");
td= ce("td");
var a= ce("a");
a.setAttribute("title","Open in NCBI");